Massive Economic Partnership (MEP)

Day 712, 11:47 Published in USA South Africa by Calew

As stated in my last article I am starting an economic project. It’s called Massive Economic Partnership (MEP). The concept is as follows; I will sell a certain amount of shares (1gold each). With the money invested I will buy companies. The profit from these companies will be shared by the investor, the amount each investor gets depends on how many shares the investor owns. 1% of the shares give 1% of the profit, 8% give 8% etc. Sounds pretty basic right? I will run the companies without charge and to assure everyone of my dedication I must always own at least 10% of the shares.

Shares for sale
To start with we will sell 800 shares, 291 shares are left. To buy shares send me a message with the amount of shares you wish to buy and donate the gold to pay for the shares. Once you have done this your name will appear on the list below and you will officially be a shareholder of MEP.

Stock exchange
When the 800 shares are bought you can’t buy shares from me until new shares are printed. Though, you can still buy shares from other shareholders. In each MEP-article I will post offers made by citizens. People reading the article can then contact the citizen with the offer they are interested in. To post an offer send me a message saying whether you want to buy or sell, how many shares the deal is for, and what the price will be.

Printing new shares
When I feel that the corporation is ready for an expansion, and I have found the most profitable option I will print new shares. These will always be bought for 1gold no matter what the price of shares is at the stock exchange-market. I will print new shares when the price on the share-market is high, b/c this indicates high demand for shares. The money from the new shares will of course be used to buy new companies to bring in additional profit.

Dividends & accounting
At the end of every month the profits will be exchanged from currencies to gold and collected from the companies. The gold will then be donated to the shareholders.
An article will also be published in this newspaper where I will present the dividends and if possible numbers of how much money was spent on salaries/RM and how much we got from sales. I say if possible b/c the GM tools have been struggling a bit when I’ve tried checking them.

Management (very brief)
The most profitable companies are Q5-manufacturing, right now weapons especially. And since we will have great amount of gold to invest we will only manage Q5-companies. Right now we will go for weapon-companies but if other industries become more profitable we will of course start to buy those. The companies will always have at least 400 RM in storage and 250 local currencies for salaries. This gives each company a value of 400 gold. 390+3+7=400 Company cost+RM+Local currencies=Value. The companies will not grow big stocks to sell in war time, b/c we want to have an equal flow of revenue to make sure the dividends are as even as possible each month. We will instead try to have the stock sold out all the time.

I want all my investors to feel absolutely safe with investing their money in this corporation. Therefore, I have written a contract with extremely harsh penalties against me. This contract will get me bankrupted/banned if I don’t do exactly what I’ve promised to do. If you find something I’ve missed please tell me and I will make an addition to the contract. Hopefully I will also have some familiar faces assuring you that I’m trustworthy. Death before dishonour.

Companies owned
1. Calew Weapons, Q5-weapon in Hungary. Value: 400 gold. (Calew’s payment for 400 shares)
2. MEP arms, Q2-weapon in Hungary. Value 50 gold. (Will be upgraded soon)

1. Calew, 400 shares
2. solidgeoff, 50 shares
3. Zer0LV, 30 shares
4. James Parker, 10 shares
5. simi010101, 5 shares
6. Apnea, 5 shares
7. calath, 3 shares
8. ghioane, 2 shares
9. nigoo, 2 shares
10. risuka67, 2 shares
11. Hex-Gh0st, 1 share