Massive Article is Massive

Day 702, 18:38 Published in South Africa South Africa by Enoch Root

Some things:

Throwing in a Table of Contents here:

About the RW in Mpumalanga
My Challenge to the Congress to be Elected
Some Stuff for Those New to eSA
Remember those 5 Things I wanted to do?
Party Stuff
Is That Some Econ Stuff Down There???

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Update: Official word is that there will be no RW tonight. Sorry for all those that waited up and hung around. We will try to have the issue resolved by tomorrow.

This means that we will not be seeing the region in time to place Congressional candidates there. All Parties, back to you drawing boards. Go rethink your plans, because there are only 20 seats up for grabs now. Time to discuss it over with your Party. Good luck everyone.

First off, sorry the RW hasn't started. For some reason the contract isn't signed by Brazil, and I'm not even sure if there is something wrong with it. We're still waiting to hear what's going on so we can find a solution to this, but time is short. We might end up not having the RW start today after all. We will see I suppose. Apologies.

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My Challenge to the new Congress. Just like last month, I challenge all candidates on these things. I will be in Limpopo running.


To all of the Congressional candidates running in the election for the next term -

* I Challenge you to do what is best for eSA *

* I Challenge you to do what is right by the People *

* I Challenge you to donate your 5 gold medal to the Reserve Bank of South Africa *

* I Challenge you to listen to the People, they are the reason you are here *

* I Challenge you to form your own opinions and ideas about what's happening *

* I Challenge you to be active on the Forums, and discuss the laws in the open Congress Boards *

* I Challenge you be accountable, let the people know why you vote the way you do *

And Lastly

* I Challenge you to be a good Congressman, and make eSA Proud to call you a Congressman *

I Am Enoch Root, and I Do Hereby Accept This Challenge!

Good luck to all Candidates - run a strong, clean race, make eSA proud.

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We still have many new people to eSA. I want to throw this out here again, so that they might get to see it. We welcome you to eSA.

Our National forums are here.

We have our national IRC channel on the Rizon server - The room is #esouth_africa

We also have an Economic discussion channel, and a Political discussion channel - #eSA_Econ and #eSA_Politics

Our wargames can be found here. That link takes you to a page found under the Info tab, go to Military Stats. If you click one of the open wars, the Malay-Philo ones, or the Slovak-Czech ones, one of them will have an open battle. It just depends on the time of the day.

Some interesting Stats about eSA are found here.

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If you are currently waiting for citizenship, we apologize for the delay. We do not have very many citizenship passes left. We are try to process the current applications as fast as possible, though.

In the meantime, you can still do basically everything here. You do not need citizenship to work or train or buy things or fight in the wargames. You only need citizenship to vote. So, sorry for the delay on that, but we're nearly out of passes at the moment.

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We are full, active members of Sol. Please feel free to check out the Sol forums.

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If you want to join the Military, we have two branches of The eSouth African Armed Forces:

The Pretorian Guard, and the eSouth African Shock Troopers.

Pretorian Guard stays at home, the eSAST deploys throughout the world.

You can apply to join the eSAAF here:

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Our President is Mr. Steven Bosch, his Vice President is Mr. Luc Praetor.

This is the cabinet.

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If you want to apply to help out with anything:

For the Department of Trade ( Somethings involved in working for the DoT are listed here ), and for the Ministry of Social Affairs, please contact Frank Furglar. He needs help in both places.

If you are multilingual, then consider applying to the Ministry of Intelligence. You can fill out an application here: Zamrg is looking for Media Analysts.

If you would like to see about becoming an Ambassador, then contact Oceanus, our Minister of Foreign Affairs.

If you would like to see about working for the Ministry of Finance, contact me.

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Remember those 5 things I wanted to do, as part of the deal to get Mossad to quit his candidacy? I am working on them still, but here's a progress report on that:

"Short list:

1000 citizens
Balanced tax system
1 more region to South Africa
Working licensing program for businesses
Activation of embassies"

We are working on the 1000 people thing. We have seen a nice increase in the popoulation lately, due to Oceanus' articles. I helped out with this by pushing his articles in other countries, and wrote this article to help him get more votes on them.

Got the tax system leveled out, those are going through ingame voting as we speak.

I can't claim the 1 more region accomplishment in any way shape or form, beside helping to make sure we can pay for it. We are even getting back 2 regions this term.

See Update Above
There are some issues with this at the moment, we are just waiting on someone to sign the contract still, and then we can start. Sorry for the wait, but there's nothing we can do at the moment.

Speaking of which, Ojacious won the Lotto! He will have the honor of starting the RW... whenever the time comes that we can start it anyways. Congrats to him!

The licensing thing for businesses - I didn't quite do this like Mossad had proposed. I simply arranged several local companies to export their goods outside of eSA. So, I ended up changing this task, and made it into something different. Not a total loss, but not what I said I would do, either.

About embassies - We have active embassies already, so what I've been doing is pitching in with Foreign Affairs stuff where I can. Can't exactly talk about most of it, but I can say we have gotten better relations and new connections with many other nations, and with Sol. Real progress made here this month.

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Party Stuff:

Gold Party is organizing it's candidates now to help make sure eSA doesn't see a horde of medalhunters running for Congress, trying to take advantage of the low population of the other regions. We will be seeing a lot of great returning Congressmen running, like Azreal, Ojacious, ERDWURM, Alby, and myself. We will see some other great people running too, like Jmeud, an active player, Guss1972 (Remember his Immigration Reports?), Ari Lumumba ( platform here ) and Robert Reid, who is a fresh, active new face. The list may change, depending on the circumstances (mostly the RW).

Hope to see everyone running a nice clean race, and it has been so far. Good job all candidates for not throwing each other under the bus, lol.

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Some Econ Stuff:

Yes, Econ Stuff. I still do Econ, subscribers, every now and again. Traders can note that the ZAR is at 0.018, which is one point higher than normal. Being the RBSA Governor, I suggest you sell your ZAR in the next two days 😉

Sorry to the citizens that it's picked up. There's a printing proposal in Congress now that is passing just fine, so we should at least have it stabilized soon.

How is everyone liking the new and improved GBP? Been moving between 0.03 and 0.031 a bit, which is nice. A systematic fluctuation on a currency can be very good. It's like getting discount cash, and let's you keep a bit more in your pocket. The GBP is hovering right on the border of 0.03-0.031 currently.

Looks like Malaysia has their MYR back under control. After being the target of a certain unhappy person with money, they've been fighting to keep it down. It's back at 0.015 again, which is the standard gov't rate I believe.

The TRY has been doing very well for itself lately. Remember when it used to sit at 0.009-0.01? It was even lower after they lost Central Greece, and it stayed that way for quite some time. Well, it's been pretty high lately, hitting the 0.018 area now.

A little bit of data for you:

The raw data for all of these were taken directly from the Treasury page in-game, and corrected for things like donations. I hope to eventually work up to tracking many more nations. Right now, it's just a handful, though, mostly nations of similar size to eSA. The real interesting data is at the end.

This data is maybe 4 days old or so, keep in mind-

Malaysia (FRoSEA) - Pop. ~2000
Average daily income from taxes after the deductions from citizen fees-
724.14 MYR
MYR exchange rate = 0.015MYR/Gold
That's 10.8621 gold a day on average.

Moldavia - Pop. ~650
Avg. Daily income-
258.29 MDL
@ 0.018 =
4.64922 gold/day

Philippines - Pop. ~540
282.77 PHP/day
@ 0.018 =
5.0899 gold/day

Uruguay - Pop. ~750
64.67 UYU/day
@ 0.025 =
1.617 gold/day

Singapore - Pop. ~500
384.98 SGD/day
@ 0.02 =
7.6996 gold /day

Israel - Pop. ~650
285.14 NIS/day
@ 0.022 =
6.2731 gold/day

India - Pop. ~700
230.21 INR/day
@ 0.028 =
6.446 gold/day

South Africa - Pop. ~740
806.12 ZAR/day
@ 0.017 =
13.704 gold/day

So a quick side by side view -

Country = Gold a day
Malaysia (FRoSEA) = 10.8621
India = 6.446
Moldavia = 4.64922
Philippines = 5.0899
Uruguay = 1.617
Singapore = 7.6996
Israel = 6.2731
S Africa = 13.704

That's a day. Comes out to be quite a bit of a difference after a month -

Country = Gold a month
Malaysia (FRoSEA) = 325.863
India = 193.38
Moldavia = 139.4766
Philippines = 152.697
Uruguay = 48.51
Singapore = 230.988
Israel = 188.193
S Africa = 411.12

This doesn't even take into account our population. If you weigh these values for populations, and compare them, you can really see how well each nation is doing.

Country = Gold a month / Population
Malaysia (FRoSEA) = 0.1629 Gold a month per person
India = 0.2763
Moldavia = 0.2146
Philippines = 0.2828
Uruguay = 0.0647
Singapore = 0.4620
Israel = 0.2895
S Africa = 0.5556

All averages were calculated from the 7 day period before the night I compiled this.

Also, maybe someone should help Uruguay.

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If you read this far, someone should give you a medal or something. Seriously. If I still have your attention, I'd like to announce that I am indeed running for President of South Africa in the next Presidential elections.

That's all you're going to hear about it until after the Congressionals, don't worry.

Anyways, Good luck to our Congressional Candidates.

-Enoch Root
Governor of the Reserve Bank of South Africa
Minister of Finance
Party President of the South African Gold Party
2 Term Congressmen
Presidential Hopeful

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You didn't think I forgot about this did you?

Money and Women

She's from South Africa of course.