Market analysis and Recommendation

Day 739, 18:59 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Gold exchange Rate

41.98 NIS Per Gold
0.024 Gold Per NIS
0.024 Gold Per NIS = 41.66 NIS Per Gold
0.32 NIS difference on Monitary Market


World Low = .008 gold ( 7 sellers, 4 countries)
= 0.33 NIS each
Israeli Market = .019 gold
= 0.82 NIS each
Price Difference = +245%

Q1 food on Market = 1231 pieces ( 5 sellers)

World Low = .021 gold (8 sellers in range of .018 to .021, 3 countries)
= .87 NIS each
Israeli Market = 0.06 gold
= 2.63 NIS
Price Difference = +302%

Q2 food on Market = 396 pieces ( 5 sellers)

World Low = 0.051 Gold ( 19 sellers, 4 countries)
= 2.12 NIS each
Israeli Market = .087 gold
= 3.66 NIS
Price Difference = + 72%

Q3 food on Market = 301 pieces (2 sellers, 1 closed)


World Low = .091 gold
= 3.79 NIS each
Israeli Market = .099 gold
= 4.14 NIS
Price Difference = + 9%

Q1 Weapons on Market = 689 pieces ( 8 sellers)

World Low = 0.185 gold
= 7.70 NIS
Israeli Market = No sellers
= No sellers
Price Difference = %

Q2 weapons on Market = 0 pieces

World Low = .323 gold
= 13.45 NIS
Israeli Market = 0.45 gold
= 18.9 NIS
Price Difference = + 40%

World Low = 0.533 gold
= 22.20 NIS
Israeli Market = .719 gold
= 29.99 NIS
Price Difference = + 35%

Q3 Weapons on Market = 60 pieces ( 1 seller)

World Low = .952 gold
= 39.66 NIS
Israeli Market = 1.63 gold
= 68.25 NIS
Price Difference = + 72%

Q5 weapons on Market = 49 pieces ( 1 seller)

Moving Tickets

World Low = .139 gold
= 5.79 NIS
Israeli Market = .21 gold
= 8.84 NIS
Price Difference = + 52%

Q1 Moving Tickets on market = 164 pieces ( 6 sellers)


World Low = .034 gold
= 1.41 NIS
Israeli Market = .039 gold
= 1.64 NIS
Price Difference = + 16%

Q1 gifts on Market = 377 pieces (3 sellers, 2 shut down)

World Low = .074 gold
= 3.08 NIS
Israeli Market = .078 gold
= 3.25 NIS
Price Difference = + 5%

Q2 gifts on Market = 51 pieces (1 seller)

First, we really need to revamp the tax system. Currently import taxes on weapons, gifts, and moving tickets is set to the maximum 99%. This completely cuts off importation of those goods and the government receives absolutely no money. These import taxes need to be lowered to a point where they are balanced between keeping our domestic companies “safe” and actually having an import market which the government can exploit.

Also, currently we have 15% income tax AND high VAT on our goods. This is not optimal. There are 2 schools of thought on this.

1) Have a very very low income tax while having a semi high VAT tax. This means you will loose very little money from working every day, but you will pay more for the items you buy (VAT effects domestic and imported goods the same). In essence, this system alleviates the tax burden on the unskilled and new players since they lose very little money from their checks, but it also keeps revenues high because it increases the amount of money coming in from high-level players who think nothing of buying 10 Q3 weapons every time they fight.

2) Have a standardized income tax (usually 10 to 20😵 but have the game mandatory minimum 1% VAT. This keeps your market prices down but it also makes people feel “poorer” because they directly see cash being taken away from them every day. This system effectively taxes everyone equally, including companies (however you very rarely see any income from companies anyway through income tax because of tax evasion through the MM)

Once we get the idea of which system of Market we want to operate we then work out our tax tables to balance government income without killing corporate interest and without killing foreign companies who could possibly import goods (and in turn make the government profit.)

Another thing that must be assessed is our currency value and what kind of market we want to have. Israel is a land-poor country with a small population. We produce far more goods than we can possibly consume a day (seen clearly in the stock of Q1 food and weapons) This means we really need to be an export based manufacturing and construction country.

Here is what I recommend for a complete and total overhaul of the Israeli economy.

- Devalue the NIS slowly (over a period of about 2 weeks) to a rate of .016 NIS per gold, or 60 NIS per gold

- Create a VAT based tax system with higher VAT and very small Income tax

- Balance import taxes on individual markets to reflect their income potential and their market prices and market stock.

Proposed consumer based tax tables using a devalued NIS.

Income/ Import/ VAT
Foo😛 3% / 10% / 8%
Gift: 3% /50% / 8%
Weapon 3% / 40% / 7%
Moving Ticket 3% / 50% / 7%
Grain 10% / 5%
All other RM 99% / 5%
House 1% / 1% / 3%
Hospital 1%/ 1% / 1%
Defense System 1%/ 1% / 1%

An explanation of this tax table/

Food gets a lower import tax to balance out the effect on the devalued NIS. We still need food imports to keep our market prices in check (they are already insanely high) and a devalued NIS will make it harder for importing foreign companies to make a profit, because of this the food industry gets a 5% import tax break

Weapons and Moving Tickets get a 1% lower VAT because they are higher priced items (5% of 15 NIS is much larger than 5% of 1 NIS) We don’t want to exploit the market and economy too greatly or we risk actually hurting revenue and trade. They get individualized import taxes based on their income potential for the government (weapons) and their market value and strength (moving tickets)

Grain gets a 10% income tax so as to not kill our small domestic market, but at the same time discouraging new workers from selecting the land field which will ultimately lead to them either leaving the game due to never making money, or leaving the country for higher wages in places like Spain or Russia. All RM’s get a 5% import tax so as to gain income for the government, while at the same time not being so high as to warrant serious consideration on the part of foreign exporting companies.

Houses, hospitals, and DS’s all get a 1% income tax (instead of 3% for manufacturing) to give a very subtle and slight nudge for new players to move into the construction field (which is sorely neglected in Israel right now). Hospitals and DS’s both get 1% import and VAT (it makes no sense since the government would in essence be taxing itself) Houses get a 3% VAT because of their larger value (again remember 5% of 15 is much larger than 5% of 1) and a 1% import tax simply because we have no competitive domestic construction companies.