Marines on the General Boat

Day 523, 14:46 Published in USA USA by sukoidha

The marines have been fighting in Romania everyday thanks to Congress I must say for once, as our Major General qn20, managed to come up with a budget which congress is happy about, so they can supply the Marines QMG (Quarter Master General) weekly with Gold for our marines to fight often and rank up quicker. So I want to personally thank qn20 for coming up with a budget that congress approved on.

From this I can honestly say that this budget was a success as the marines are becoming a real power in the world of eRep. Out of 80 marines we now have 19 Generals from the Romanian war with Indo. You say, only 19!!!! That’s not a lot, but compared to when we had 5 before the war and MOST of the marines have reached Colonel and are reaching the rank of general extremely quickly, I would say that it is extremely good.

In a recent collaboration with the Romanian Army and the Marines, we were asked to hold off all attacks and wait until a new battle was open so that we could attack the new region hard and drop the wall fast. The region in question was Balochistan, in all honesty, the Romanians didn’t not have such high regards for the USA soldiers in terms of power, so we went out to prove them wrong.

Eugene Harlot organised everything with the Romanian officials, Lucius Vanerus supplied the tanks with Weapons and Gold a day before the battle, Paradiziac, kept the tanks in line and ordered the attack when the battle commenced and I am pleased to say that we rocked.

We dropped the wall 50K in 5mins, leaving the Romanians dumb founded by what we did, and I quote from the Defence Minister, “I have not seen power like that in ATLANTIS for sometime”. That was a very proud moment for the marines and we feel honoured to have been able to be a part of that moment in History where another region was conquered by Romania in the battle against Indonesia. We even managed to have a Marine retain battle hero in our tanking battle, SebastianA.

All in all I can honestly say that the Marines are once again becoming a Power in the ATLANTIS strong hold of soldiers and we will carry on getting stronger until the game ends, as none of us will back down from any fight. We are like pit bulls; we never stop until we see blood. Of course the blood in this instance is the red bit on the “No Man’s land” or “Underground” part of the wall.

I just want to say a big congratulations to all marines who fought in Romania, you have done the USA proud by making the enemy and our allies recognize us again as the power we should have always been.

Feel the blood rushing round your body as you hold your weapons, when you step out onto the Battle Field and the enemy says, “ahhhhh shit, the eUSMC are coming”.

Semper Fidelis

Lt.General of the eUSMC