Marbus Prediction correct eHungary attacks eRomania

Day 613, 07:52 Published in Croatia Australia by Marbus

It seems that eHungary has indeed attacked the eRomanian region of Podolia. I warned people yesterday in my artical titled "Today eCroatia tomorrow eRomania" that if something was not done about eHungary imperalism than eRomania would be next.

This brutal barberic attack on eRomania is more evidence that eHungary threatens the entire eWorld. How long will it take for eHungary to stop? They wont stop until the entire eWolrd is theirs. eHunagry actions are clear evidence of this. When will the entire eWorld reconsie this and stand up against eHungary and its Imperalist Regeume.

The bigger question now is who will they attack next? Will it be your nation? Only time will tell, but as time goes by, the eworld will realise what eHungary and their Regiume is realy about.

eWolrd Domination!