Maple Revolution 2.0 - CPF Political Platform Revised

Day 349, 18:09 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

These elections are going to be the foundation to Canada's future heading into V1s second month. We can be a Military power. A Political Power and an Economic Paradise. But who will bring us there? Canada this is your future and your chance for change. And who better to vote for? Thats right The Canadian Progressive Front.

The CPF stands by a slogan of Liberty, Prosperity and Progress, these three words are the first you see on the CPF forums and we stand by them. This month is no different, I and those I chose to be my cabinet will work tirelessly to achieve those three goals and this is how we will do it.


V1 has brought a huge number of economic challenges to eCanada compounding issues from a pre-V1 recession. Every economy has an equilibrium point between supply and demand and no matter how much gold, no matter how much CAD is put towards preventing the system from reaching equilibrium it will still march towards this equilibrium. The economic stimulus package was a great tool to help establish an equilibrium in an economy hit out of whack by admin intervention and it did help, but now we need to let the system work. We need to let the economy contract to a level at which it can function. We will stand strong over every tremor in the economy we will watch and if unemployment were to get out of hand the government would step in to insure jobs for all Canadians.

We need to gear our economy towards export, we have been both blessed and cursed with an abundance of natural resources and its a curse in that it tempts too many people to enter a market already overly saturated with goods causing prices to collapse. Its a blessing in that it gives Canada time to reorganize her economy into an export economy. Under my administration, Canadian companies with Canadian owners would be able to get an export license to bring in revenue to compensate for a smaller domestic market. Under my administrations Canadian companies will be able to sell their stock to the government after signing a contract. Under my administration Canadian companies can apply for subsidies in which they can pay back in either GOLD or CAD or STOCK.

I have been approached time and time again that the CPF Platform resembles that of last terms and that it needs to be changed. Ive changed it once and ill change it once more. But the one thing I refuse to raise is taxes. The Canadian people deserve a tax cut and thats what I'm going to give them. I will dissolve income taxes (taxes on salary, and profits.) So the Average Citizen and General Manger get their well deserved tax cuts.

The mortgage system that was recently discontinued will be brought back and funded once more by the Federal Government.

A new Citizen Fee will be brought to Canada which will be the old fee of 20 CAD. And the Minimum wage also being brought to Congress, of 3.

A one time Printing of 30,000 CAD will be printed to fund government wellness programs, the CAF, loans, Trainers, citizen fees and Mortgages. With this 30,000, being printed and the current currency stockpile the government owns, taxes do not need to be raised to much for Canada. Income will be a 0%. Imports will be 99% and VAT will be a set 10%.

For those of you who don't know what each Tax is for here is the lay out:

Income Tax - A tax on all revenue in Erepublik, including salary and profit
Import Tax - A tax on products purchased from a foreign producer (Hence why it is set at its highest, and countries try and make profitable trade agreements lower than their countries set Imports)
VAT - VAT (Value Added Tax) A tax paid every time something is purchased from the market. (Manufactured goods)

Ministry of Finance will just be National Bank of Canada and the Minister of Finance will be the President of the National Bank of Canada. He or she will be in charge of all loans, mortgages and all financial statements. He or she will be making sure that the market is moving slowly and is not being inflated by foreigners. A new Bank System is being worked on and hopefully in turn turned into a app, for in game.

This isn't some magic solution, there is no magic solution to a lot of economic problems, we can ride this out into a brighter future together.

Foreign Policy

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has largely been unseen these past few weeks, as our leading ambassador, Augustus, has been busy as I am sure you all know. Emilio Sanchez has also done a very good job and is still working hard in his position. Foreign Policy will be a big part of my term, I will work with international leaders to insure they are friendly to Canadian imports as vital parts of their economy.

The AEC was an excellent idea but as the events of October played out it wasn't seen as truly workable and I will work with international leaders to insure out reputation for honest dealing is not harmed by the discontinuing of the AEC agreement.

Working with ATLANTIS in trying to work out well devised and placed defensive systems. Around Canada and our Member Nations.

ATLANTIS and WAR, right now Romania and Hungary are at war and many citizens asking, "What Is Canada Going To Do?", well I will ensure ATLANTIS, ROMANIA, THE CANADIAN CITIZEN that if Hungary pushes back, we will deploy our troops and head to our allies aid. This is not only for Romania but all ATLANTIS Members.

Continue working with ATLANTIS member in creating a safer and better world. Work to increase public awareness on PEACE activities. Advocate and continue working for Australian Liberation.


Boot Camp - This will be a program for new rangers and SAS, they will have to read a guide on how to enter and work well in combat with their platoon, just the basics. There will then be a more advanced Q&A guide which will give strategies on who to get answers to combat questions fast through the use of Google, Wikipedia and eventually question databases.

Officers School - Anyone promoted to an NCO position will have another couple threads on the eCanada forums to read on how to be a good NCO, what their duties are and the like.

Eliminate Home Guard - The Home Guard is a relatively useless branch, it would be replaced with a list of active users who offer their services as NCO's if Canada were to be invaded, if Canada were to be invaded messages would be sent out in masses for anyone willing to fight to register on the forum and these NCO's would lead temporary defense platoons.

And Finally for Defense, we have seen at any other counties the need and defensive bonus of Defense Systems. It will be an important part of the Defense policy in making sure that all regions in Canada receive a Q3 or higher Defense System. We will buy it from either a Privatized Canadian Owned Company or negotiate with our Allies in Atlantis for reasonable priced walls.

The General of the CAF will take over the position of Minister of Defense. Its harder to get anything done while both the General and Minister of Defense are trying to get something down and step on each others toes. Me and Alex learned that the hard way.


Will work to make sure that we can open up two new Hospitals in Canada, both being Q4. Will start gift bombing all CAF officers to ready them for any future and upcoming events that they will undertake. The Health minister will be charged with gift bombing new citizens up to 70% wellness as well as working with local Canadian Companies and help keep employee wellness, up a contract will be set up between the company and the Health care System OA, in which it will be put down as a social service and National Health Care System.

Constitution Affairs

As the Constitution was created before and never revised after V!. I am bringing back the Position of Minister of Constitutional Affairs. His or her job will be to revise the Constitution with the help of the Prime Minister, myself. And have t up for congress to look over, once it has been given to congress it will be given to the public to, Rip it, amend and criticize all they want till it is fixed as it fixes. the constitution is more for the people than it is the government. The constitution is their to protect the Canadian Citizen and regulate and organize the government.

A Full Cabinet well be released the day after Elections. Under my Administration the Cabinet will be cut down to allow a more better and easier functioning system to take place. And allow for citizens to join a department in which they wish to learn and start their political careers in.

In two Days Canada. Two Days. Your chance for change is here. CPF is that chance of change. When you vote remember what is at stake. You can vote CPF and lose nothing or Vote CPP and lose everything. With CPF in government we will guarantee stability and this country will reclaim its promise, and out of this long political darkness a brighter day will come.

Vote CPF, Vote Tantis, Vote For Change