Manifesto (Yes, yes I will run for President, everyone stop asking me)

Day 1,311, 21:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

Hello Citizens of eIreland!

Right now we have a very little country to call our own. But it will grow. RW by RW, it will. We are not called ‘The fighting Irish’ for no reason. Our English oppressors won’t know what hit them. I do not know when we will attack, but we WILL get our regions back.

Some goals of my presidency are:
-To get back at least 3, if not more regions of Ireland
-To coordinate with our allies so that we can be as much help to EDEN as possible
-To try and figure a way in this economy to raise GDP

When we get our Regions back, we will need a strong leader at the helm of Ireland. I am offering to be that leader. I am relatively new in this game, but I am experienced and well-liked. As a TD, Deputy Minister of Defense and New Citizens, PP of ILP, and member of our national Army, the Irish Army, I feel I have been entrusted with a lot of responsibility, and I have handled it very well.

I think (and hope) that I am well liked throughout the eIrish Community. I have met and made friends with several members of the community that are well liked and respected, so I think I can do that overseas as well.

I have some of my ministers planned, and I will publish a complete list when I have everyone set. If you would like to be one, see me on IRC and I will talk to you and see if you are a good fit.

Patrick O'Leary
Forever a citizen of eIreland