Manifesto of Nero Superbus: Socialism

Day 803, 08:32 Published in Denmark Romania by Nero Superbus
eSocialism or how are all workers going to receive fair wages, respect and true democracy
Manifesto of Nero Superbus

I think everyone has heard about RL socialism as it influenced the lives of so many people, and this belief took part in the "War of the Ideologies" which was World War 2. I'm sure everyone has heard about the victims fallen to Stalin's regime which, in it's way tranforming USSR into a world power, sacrificed millions of innocent victims to an ideology designed to promote equality, love, fairness and a free world without opressors. But you may ask yourself: why the hell do people believe in an ideology which caused so many victims? The answer is that Stalin had it's own regime, which was rather his own dictatorship and will than the will of workers, democracy and freedom. Socialism has been applied wrong in RL, communism is extremely hard to achieve in RL (it only existed in the israelian kibbutz and Paris Commune, that's why all the "communist" believed states were calling themselves Socialist Republics - because socialism is the period in which the party prepares the state for communism), then why don't we achieve it in the New World then! Let's bring happiness, freedom, true democracy, high wages without capitalist opressors (who extract the profit; we'd rather give that to the workers)!

But how can we achieve that? Why should we achieve that? Isn't the current society good already? Why should we promote the socialist state? What is really socialism and how can we apply it into our own country?

We'll start first with the definition of socialism in wikipedia: "Socialism refers to the various theories of economic organization advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a method of compensation based on the amount of labor expended." Basically we want a just society, to pay the worker the fair ammount of money based on his skills, rather then extract profits which will go to individual persons. How can this be applied?

First you need a socialist party - you should name it socialist rather than communist. Why? It's fairly simple: 1. Because communism in RL is a society with no money, market, state and it would be rather confusing and not rational supporting the eR ideology called "eCommunism" because it can't modify the game aspects (market, state, money). Most would say that "eCommunism" does not mean that, but i'd rather transpose RL theories as they are and only shape the pratical models for eR modules rather then change the actual theory to fit eRepublik (as I said it's confusing and not rational). This socialist party should have officially a far-left and libertarian orientation and be well organized internally because efficient organization counts more than numbers. An unorganized party with 300 members is chaotic, while an organized party with 50 members will follow the road to success.

Secondly, you need to open an organization and start creating "cooperatives". As you can see we are now entering the economical phase. Unlike other parties, the socialist parties need to use economic means to convince the population that socialism will give them more advantages than the capitalist system. That's why it is very important to start up companies called cooperatives. Now, what are these cooperatives? Cooperatives are companies controlled by a central organization, in which all the profit made from selling stuff will go to the workers. If they are active they need to have a section of your party forum in which they will post requests or choose the general manager, if they aren't active the general manager needs to share the profit depending on the skill of the workers. That is the theory, let's get to the practical part. How to set up a cooperative? It's fairly easy. Buy one company, set up jobs with minimum wage for all skills. Why you should do that? Because it's hard to change wages everyday depending on productivity so that it will be fair. It's easier to create minimum wage jobs and then to pay by donation the ammount to every worker. Let's move forward. Let's suppose we have 10 workers. How do you divide the profit? You have several options. You can divide it weekly, once per 2 weeks or monthly. How do you know what is the appropriate ammount of money you have to pay each worker? Simple. You take all productivity numbers from all days (or the last skill value of every worker but it's fairer with productivity), add them up and you will receive the Productivity for that week which will be corelated to the profit of that week (minus the next week costs of wages and raw material). After that you simply divide the profit to every productivity of the worker and share the money accordingly by donation. No extra-money must be kept for the pocket of the general manager (well if we'll be in an advanced esocialist state the GM will need to be paid too, because he is working more; most likely in a socialist society the raw materials producers will be paid a fair ammount of money by the state while the products GMs will be paid more, also by the state). These cooperatives are the most advantageous types of companies that can exist right now in the New World, because workers are paid very much. With these cooperatives, more people will join and the political power of the socialist party will most likely raise because it will be viewed with an interest for the people, to develop prosperity, to develop freedom, equality and a good society.

Thirdly, after more political power is achieved, you need to set up income taxes of the products you produce and raw materials you have to 25%. What does this mean? The situation will be like: 1. Cooperatives will pay workers very high wages and it will attract more. 2. The 25% extracted from the cooperatives will go to the state, which will be able to launch national programs (Houses, Gifts, Moving Tickets, Weapons for every citizen - it will be developed one at a time of course and it will depend on the economical power if the state will have all 4 products supplied); 3. Private companies without this fair system will go down, as they won't compete to the high wages the cooperatives offer.

This will turn in a society where the state supplies workers with houses, gifts, weapons and moving tickets while they will work for the highest wages the profits will do. More products for export will also mean more profit. Workers will choose in the forum what they want to do with the profit, eventually vote for a General Manager who will sign a contract to respect the cooperative.

Most other socialists will say: what are we doing with the communes? Why not use them to take over the market and disband the capitalist companies? I will talk about the inefficiency of the communes in the following part.

Communes. Oh the communes. The central piece of today's most socialist parties. The incredible tool used to destroy the capitalist companies. The "key" to the socialist paradise. The essence in the Gosplan, who will overturn all the capitalist systems in the world, bringing a world of communes and era of socialism...

..yeah, right...

The communes do have a noble purpose, to overthrow the capitalist system, but they are not efficient, liked, advantageous, nor profitable for the workers. The communes do not offer the workers the freedom to purchase the products they like of whatever quality they like. The communes do not allow workers the neccessity of gathering gold, rather than that by medals. The communes represent something worse than even the unjust capitalist system: sacrificing the workers in order to produce the revolution. It's true, we need to make a revolution to overthrow the capitalist system but we cannot sacrifice the workers' lives not even a bit! We shouldn't act so stalinist and it is truly a pity that most parties use communes, where only party members work (because no one actually likes them). So let's recap and add more arguments against the communes:

1. They don't allow the freedom of workers because workers can't choose the products they want.
2. They sacrifice the wealth and good of the workers for a noble cause (it is a noble cause, but we shouldn't sacrifice wealth and goodness for a long-term goal, ruining the elives of citizens)
3. They aren't liked by most citizens, they are only liked by the party members who believe in them because it's the only theory available. This results in political failure of the socialist parties.
4. They require too much administrative work from the manager.

while the cooperatives

1. Divide the profits depending on productivity, allowing every worker to earn the money they work for and then allowing them to purchase whatever they want.
2. Not complicated administrative work from the socialist parties.
3. Liked by the citizens, giving more political results for the socialist parties.
4. They promote the wellness of workers, attracting both skilled and new players, while still working for overthrowing the capitalist system (most workers will prefer to work in cooperatives rather than capitalist companies which either force the capitalists to do like us, close their companies or try to survive until they will eventually have to switch when we'll introduce the 25% taxes)

As most of you probably know, the socialist Internationale developed a program called Gosplan. It's plans include the creation of a super-communes, propulsed by workers from all parties of the world (thus weakening the socialist movement) in order to produce enough goods to take the market step by step, in every country. While this is an interesting idea, it requires too much time to be continued. The results?

1. Ruined wealth of the workers.
2. Ruined socialist movements around the globe
3. Taking over the markets in the New World? (if people don't get bored or workers start leaving, realising they are actually slaves for something that will never happen via this way)(When? cause only socialists like working in communes not normal citizens so you'll require an incredible large workforce which won't be able to achieve with so few personal). Are you really eager to ruin the elives of citizens by making them believe they work for the greater good, when actually they are working towards an ideal impossible to realize with this centralization?

The actual solution to bring revolution in countries is to create a revolution in the parties. Communes shouldn't be the central objects of the socialist parties, but cooperatives, which are liked by the population and with numerous advantages for both the workers and socialist movement (not like communes and the Gosplan). They will make socialist parties to be viewed better and increase the political victories. We need to provide an alternative to capitalist system, so that people will see that the socialist model is actually better than the capitalist one. People only see nasty communes so they believe this is how socialism works and of course they don't vote us.

Also, you may say that communes really are good. Wake up! These things are only perceived by socialists, the normal citizens do not understand that. That's why socialists (communists) are so hated, because they come up with a nasty system instead to promote their best plans and economic activities such as national programs, cooperatives. When you bring in companies better for the citizens than the actual capitalist companies you will convince much more workers to join you, the cooperatives and the party. Because they have the example of what would mean if the socialist party would govern that country: national programs, welfare, cooperatives. The citizen will vote parties depending on what they do. They do not understand the communes. They want wealth, happiness and self-achievement in their fields of interest like politics or military. Once the socialist parties will learn that they need to promote good for the workers, to be optimist they will surely gather much more supporters than promoting destruction for the "greater good" that will never come and the destruction of capitalist economy using sacrifices of the workers and the socialist movement of the whole world (The Gosplan is not a good plan, centralizing socialists in Russia won't overthrow the capitalist system, it will bring us less political victories, less active people to work in the countries = a less interested party from the country). With these arguments said, communes really have to go!

Cooperatives will gather the workers' attention upon us, making them join the socialist movement.
In my opinion we cannot force workers to do something, we must convince them and offer them the right alternative. Most of people don't believe in communism and by promoting cooperatives and showing them that is better than capitalism we will gain strenght. Not by forcing socialists world-wide to come and develop a Super-Commune, weaken the socialist movements so that all socialists will work there like slaves in hope to dominate the eMarket (again, wake up, we are too few to do that; if I start to think further the Gosplan is actually just a "hide out" behind the egoistic intentions of centralizing socialists in eRussia to turn it communist)

I think i've come to an end writing my manifesto. To sum all up in a conclusion, in my opinion, admitting the principles of Marx (who states that the workers should be payed depending on productivity and not sacrificed like Stalin did in the real world so that he'll obtain a world power which collapsed), i trully believe, admit and suggest the following that:

1. The socialist economy must be based on cooperatives not communes.(we need to convince workers to join the socialist cause by providing them the alternative, people need to see it work before it will vote for the socialist economy)
2. The Gosplan is not a good plan and must be disbanded (most probably it's a selfish scheme to centralize socialists and make eRussia communist so i suggest those who are there to go back to your home eCountries and start cooperatives)

With this said, i hope more people will realise the things i've said. Good luck to all socialist movements that will pursue the development of cooperatives and good luck to all the workers who still want to work as slaves in communes "for the greater good", unless they like the communes because they can't be active to buy food, then it's fine to keep 1-2 communes.