Manifesto for Party president of Democratic Party of India

Day 721, 11:29 Published in India India by Ankit007

Greetings to All fellow Eindian's ,

This month I've decided to run for the post of Party President for the democratic party of India.


1)Membership-Though we have equally experienced members to the Indian United party we still lack in the number of congress members.We merely have a 19% share in the congress.If elected i would get more members to our party.

2)Congress-I would give everyone a fair chance to participate in the congress.I will like to have both experienced and new players stand for the congress so that new comers can also get into politics.As we see now most of the people in the top level of management of India are very experienced players(No Offense!)but what i want is that a couple of new players should also be included so they can get the experience.They can turn out to be better leaders!

That is all I have to say

