Mamil Fund

Day 863, 06:25 Published in Australia Australia by HewRoo

I made up my mind to establish Mamil Fund to commemorate his devotion to fair play principles in eRep. Mamil himself, unfortunately, has left the game after a series of temporary bans followed his unmasking articles on the dark past of current moderators of the Russian eRep sector. I was doing time for the same stuff as well, but imposed forfeit points were always cancelled afterwards.

What we gonna do:

1. Provide military, wellness and other assistance for Australians, citizens of EDEN nations and holders of Chinease, Indian and Ukrainian passports, residing in Australia
2. Close liaison with the Russian party Total Koalization to establish and strengthen cooperation between Russia and Australia when opressive pro-Hungarian regime in Russia will be destroyed
3. Give support to RWs on the territories occupied by Russia and Phoenix

This is a private initiative and the fund is being run on private donations only. If you share our views, dont be shy to donate. Even if you spare a couple of dollars this could make a huge difference! The fund will publish its reports on a weekly basis.

At the moment we sponsor a "week with Lana" program for the two most dedicated ACUK soldiers. Please contact Binda33 for more details.

And finally. RoboRussia, or why are they so strong (from Willy_Wonka):

click the image to enlarge