Malaysian Tactical Victory/Negotiations on Region

Day 739, 00:30 Published in Indonesia Malaysia by Vikta

With Malaysia losing 2/3 of its battles against Indonesia yesterday, it appears that Malaysia has lost in the war against the Indonesian agressors. However, this is not true.

Malaysia has scored a major tactical victory against Indonesia.

Indonesia burnt an estimated 20,000+ Gold. They obviously wanted to achieve an objective VERY BADLY.

The objective is to WIPE OUT THE ENTIRE MPP SLATE AGAINST THEM. If Malaysia was completely occupied, the 27 MPPs against them, a ticking time bomb, would be cancelled permanently. Wiped clean. Malaysia will no longer have 27 MPPs active alongside them against Indonesia.

Indonesia gambled. They threw in their whole treasury to achieve the COMPLETE ANHILLATION OF MALAYSIA.

I am glad to say that they failed, thanks to the last minute tanking from the side of eMalaysia and her friends. Thank you Kriszke, ExoM7 and all the tanks that participated. I couldn't watch the battle so I could only learn about it by listening to others talking about it.

Indonesia lost their treasury for a failed objective.

Now, Malaysia has got the initiative against Indonesia and more importantly, the 27 MPPs are still on their side against Indonesia. Hence, Malaysia would easily steamroll Indonesia if it were to attempt to reclaim its regions (Peninsula Malaysia and Sabah). And Indonesia's treasury will be burnt for nothing.

So don't feel sad Malaysia, because we have scored a tactical victory today!

On another note, the Indonesians have 'graciously' decided to return our regions. I will reserve judgment for now, but merely point out a few facts:

-We would get back the regions whether Indo wants to negotiate with us or not.
-Indonesia is currently in a weak position, having burnt tens of thousands of Gold.
-Indonesia has currently pissed off even the pro Indo elements in the Malaysian Congress.
-The public sentiment in Malaysia is hard to control.

As a member of Congress, a former President, the current Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense of eMalaysia, I support talks with eIndo, but these circumstances must clearly be set. My feeling is that we should meet in a neutral ground, not an eIndonesian chatroom.
