Malaysia. A question of cowardice or Glory?

Day 526, 13:47 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Malaysia. Soon to be taken over by Taiwan. A golden oppertunity for Australlia to shower itself in glory, present itself as a respectable eNation and protect someone smaller and weaker than us. Also as an added bonus it could shut up Australlian Warlord. (jokin)

Instead for the first time I find myself agreeing with the usual AW crowd. This is balls. People claim that we can't do anything. That an MPP would be useless cause they have no hospital.
So bloody what. Australlia had no hospital when we where invaded and occupied. Australlia had no hospital until recently. But if we had been invaded before it finished we would want other eNations to help us. Right?

We need to help. Declare war on Taiwan. Defend Malyasia. whatever. We are all talkin about how war helps economy's, all whinging about lack of millitary experince here in Oz. Then this is a golden oppertunity. Lets go...I'm ready to kick arse...why ain't we moving...

Because this is a question of cowardice. People in a nation are about to suffer (probably cause lets face it, why only stop at one region when you can have them all?) what we suffered with the occupation. Remember how diffucult it was to regian our lands. See the turmiol it has caused. Anouther nation is about to go threw all of that.
And I tell you when now mates, when Malayasian Warlord ( 😛)turns up asking why we sold out Malaysia these people will be shifftin in there boots awkwardly.

We need to ask ourselves. Is this oppertunity to help out, present us as a great caring nation, gain experiance and most importantly gain a millitary win be passed over.

Gentlemen. Glory or Cowardice. The choice is ours. Lets make the right one. It begins with G...