Making Lemons from Lemonade

Day 304, 13:52 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by touchdown thurman thomas

So there's these pig-disgusting bulgarians and swedes posing as Chinese in a foolhardy attempt to "liberate" them from the infinite wisdom and power of God-Emperor Dio Brando. There has been much raging among the people of Pakistan.

But today I tell you that once v1 comes around, the so-called "Chinese Liberation Front" will be a great asset for Pakistan. Why? Because they will try and use the revolution module to break away from the Light of Dio. What the silly swedes forget is that their week-old multis will be no match for our glorious Peace Forces, which have by far the highest average strength in the world.

So, CLF, I implore you to stay active no matter how many of your multis get banned. The well-equipped and highly motivated peace-loving warriors of Pakistan will use you to hone their skills in preparation for the spreading of the Peace of Dio all over the world. We look forward to gaining ranks at the expense of your silly manufactured revolt.