Make a profit - Whats better q2 weapons or high weapon raw?

Day 1,301, 20:26 Published in Russia Germany by eisenmutter2
note: This is from the perspective of working manager (no wages etc...)

So guys what gets you more profit? Raw, q1 , q2?

I want to compare q2 weapon- with higest raw-company in Russia. I know its not really equal because raw costs 35g and q2 weapon just 30g but i dont give a f....

Working in highest weapon-raw-company (price 35g + land)

Bad country is bad and not on the map anymore so production for the day is just 250raw.
The price on market right now is shitty low and now 0,33rubel

250raw * 0,33rubel (-0%taxes) = 82,5rubel

Working in q2 weapon company (price 10+20g + land)

You pay taxes for q2 weapon = -1,35rubel

The selling-price of q2 weapons is 14,88

You produce 10weapons for working once

(14,88 – 1,35)rubel * 10weapons + 16,5rubel of remaining raw = 151,8rubel

Note the difference!
Working raw two times instead of making weapons gets you 165rubel!

For comparison only:
Working in q1 weapon company (10g + land)

You pay taxes for q1 weapon = -0,66rubel

The selling price of q1 weapons is 7,27rubel

7,27 – 0,66 (tax) = 6,61rubel

You produce 10weapons for working once

66,1rubel + 49,5rubel remaining raw = 115,6rubel
so working once for raw and twice in q1 weapons-company gets you quite the same as working 1raw and 1 * q2 that is 148,7rubel (=66,1 * 2 + 16,5rubel for remaining raw)

What do we learn?

With higher quality (>q3) the production-companies can return more profit than the highest raw-company.


With higher quality comes higher price and higher taxes too!
High quality companies (>q2) are much more expensive than the highest raw-company!
That means you have to work many more days just to get the money of the investment in high q-companies back!

Even with low raw-prices and bad production you make more profit with raw than by producing q2 weapons!

Raw = low investment and high profit!