Major Government announcements

Day 627, 01:32 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Good evening Israel,

Sit down and get comfy, this is going to be a large article as I have much to announce to you all.

First, I need to announce my new Cabinet to you all.

Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs – Sadeh Badeh
Minister of Defense – CJ Will Win
Minister of State Communications and General of the IDF – Yoel Ben Shalom
Minister of Immigration and Education – Thain Peretz

Second, we need to talk about something I am sure you have all heard already.

Israel will soon be signing a Mutual Protection Pact with Turkey. This has been the very long and tireless work of Sadeh Badeh, your former 4 time Israeli President and your new Israeli Vice President. It has been a very long time coming and I am sorry about its secrecy, but it was necessary to preserve the negotiations and show that Israel is a trust worthy country which can keep a secrete when needed.

I know some of you might be a bit worried about this, however I can assure you that Israel and Turkey are building a long lasting and long-term friendship. This has nothing to do with the world war, it has nothing to do with the impending Greek war, but this has everything to do with forming friendship and alliances with every country whom seeks friendship with Israel.

To achieve this goal I do have to ask all Israeli citizens to not fight in any of the battles between Greece and Turkey. Not only will this greatly undermine the hard work, which has been achieved, it will also weaken our efforts to aid our allies the US in their war against Russia, Portugal, France and Indonesia. We must remember who our friends are… our REAL friends. So please, if you love your country, if you love your homeland of Israel, continue to fight in the US like we have been. It is none of Israel’s business what occurs in Greece. We are not the world police and sticking our nose into someone else’s business will lead to nothing but problems in the future.

I would also like to say that this will have absolutely no effect on our current MPP holders in the US, Spain or Romania. We are dedicated to our current allies and this MPP with Turkey will have no effect on them at all.

Third, I would like to personally welcome all of our new friends who have made their aliyah to Israel from war torn countries like the US and Canada. These new citizens will not only find a peaceful home here in Israel but will further strengthen our already growing country. Please join me in welcoming them with open arms. Treat them as you would any other Israeli brother or sister. They are now one of us.

Have a great night Israel and always remember your government is here, working day and night, tirelessly, for you

BuzzyTheCat, Your now 2 time President