Maine's Main Man for Congress!

Day 1,158, 20:56 Published in USA USA by Heero Blaze

Elections are just days away and I am announcing my run for re-election in MAINE. I've served as the Congressman of Maine for five months now and it has been great. The people of Maine have been kind these past months and I hope that you will cast you vote for me once again.

That's quite a nice looking town we have here.

We’ve had an interesting month with shifting alliances, changes to the economic module, and many discussions regarding the eUS Constitution. Through it all, I’ve been constantly overseeing the process and voting for or against a variety of issues. Voting is key, it keeps the nation functioning. Whether it is transferring funds to the Congressional Budget Office or approving a Mutual Protection Pact, the nation needs reliable and trustworthy Congressmen to vote accordingly. We can debate for days, but when it comes down to it, we have to vote. It is unfortunate that some citizens elected to Congress become inactive just a week after the election, but my record has shown that I am a reliable Congressman and continue to be in the foreseeable future.

Of course, if you are interesting in what qualifications I still have for being a Congressman, see this list below. Or if you want something more detailed (and some history of Congress, check out my wiki page here.

Five consecutive terms in Congress
Former Vice Party President of the Federalist Party under Melissa Rose for two months
Former Executive Officer of the 303rd Skullcrushers, eUS Training Corps
Successful Business Owner

Well my friends, I hope this has been informative and if you are in Maine on the 25th, remember to vote for Heero Blaze! If the citizens of Maine need anything, feel free to ask. I am always available to provide resources for all Americans.


Congressman Heero Blaze from Maine
National Guardsman
Owner of Blaze Barley and Blaze Bread
Federalist for Life