Maguindanao Madness!

Day 812, 16:40 Published in Philippines Philippines by roymustang

[img]Soldier deploy.jpg[/img]

Maguindanao Mayhem

Maguindanao, a part of Mindanao, has no intention to join the war. "We would just defend ourselves and be offensive when a side has attacked us" said Ampatuan Jr.

Maguindanao province has always rejected the power, authority and the orders of the Sultan of Mindanao. "We reject their monarchy! We reject other authority! Ampatuan reigns supreme!" shouts Ampatuan supporters in a rally against AFP units based on Maguindanao.

"In Maguindanao, we have a different monarchy. The only ruler here is the Ampatuan clan, we reign and own this province!" shouts Ampatuan Jr. back to his supporters. "We recognize Maguindanao as a different country, we are separated from the power of the Republic of the Philippines and the Monarchy of Mindanao" he added.

[img]Soldier fight.jpg[/img]

Maguindanao Massacre

AFP units were ambushed and massacred on their convoy going back to Siquijor to reinforce the province. The retreat was issued by the president, Keegan Knoll. "There were a lot of hostilities and aggressive attempts against the AFP units based there (in Maguindanao). I thought it would be wise for them to be moved to Siquijor and reclaim the harbor instead." said Keegan on the night before the massacre.

There are no known survivors yet. The Maguindanao Monarchy (Ampatuan clan) has also released a decree stating that they would close down all borders and anyone or anything that breaches their border without proper authorization would be shot down.


Maguindanao today

"If they would pay us a huge sum of PHP or gold, maybe I could give them special access to my country." says Sultan Ampatuan Jr..

"Maguindanao province is no more! It is now known as the Dictatorship of the Monarchy of Maguindanao" says Ampatuan Sr. "I am very proud of my son, he was able to make our province independent from the RP and the Sultan."

Maguindanao's new decrees

A new set of decrees has been passed just hours before:

Decree 1 - Maguindanao is an independent country. It is officially known as the Dictatorship of the Monarchy of Maguindanao.

Decree 2 - the Ampatuan clan was, is, and will be the only heir to the throne. There will be no known other authority nor power aside from them, unless appointed by the current Sultan of Maguindanao.

Decree 3 - the official religion of Maguindanao is Ampatuism.

Decree 4 - the official language of Maguindanao is Ampatukan.

Decree 5 - every citizen of Maguindanao has no right to oppose, question nor complain against the Ampatuan clan and their actions and decisions.

More Crimes

There are about 57 journalist, reporters, photographers, media crew and writers currently arrested in the Maguindanao after the proclamation of the new decrees. The other politicians in the area have also been arrested but some (of whom are Ampatuan followers) were released and given the rank of "Noble". The other criminals would face the death penalty tomorrow afternoon.

Maguindanao Military

The Ampatuans have bolstered their military forces by persuading the other communists, rebels and separatists to join them. These new allies are the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front), MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front), Abu Sayyaf, Rajah Sulaiman Movement, and the Jemaah Islamiyah. All of them were given the rank "Knights". There were also rumors that the Ampatuans ordered more tanks, naval ships including submarines, and aircrafts including jets and bombers. It is also known that the Ampatuans recently purchased cruise missiles and long-range artilleries for an "upcoming battle".

Some of our informers conclude that the Ampatuans might invade neighboring provinces as well.

AFP F-100 Super Sabre in an air strike to retaliate the massacre

AMP-864 missile launched to the incoming intruder