
Day 2,209, 02:01 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Marcotje

Hello eWorld,

The last couple of days have shocked me and that's why I'm writing this right now. As you probably could have guessed, this article is about the last country president elections. It's about how a friend disappointed me.

Yes, this article will contain pictures 😁

This article tells a lot of the story however there is more.

A president that has to bribe people to remain president lost the power. I think I will let these pictures tell the story.

Side-effects: losing your credibility

Really! I swear!

Unfortunately, the article used to spread publicity of bribery was deleted. Otherwise this article would have been longer.

Bribery? Seriously can it get worse than that? Oh yeah... The champ from heaven published an article with a false screenshot.

"I saw some weird things in 2 days ago!!!"

Everyone who has ever talked to Clanky knows how fake this is. I don't think Clanky would ever try to bribe someone and based on the English 'skills' this isn't Clanky.

Because of this article, I will probably be labeled as a multi but I will take that chance 😉.

I didn't want to write this article as I always want to support our country president but I cannot respect someone who lies, manipulates and bribes. I do not wish any enemies in eMalaysia however I will not back down as this goes too far.

Once you were my friend but lost my respect, I think you know what the only way is to regain it,
