Madness? Craziness? This is Denmark!

Day 140, 18:56 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per


Hello Friends, this is your President with an update on your nation!

Recently I have discovered that an Indonesian moving company has encroached upon our markets. They are threatening the business of our Danish patriots in The Aviators, and they are threatening Danish sovereignty.

Denmark must keep all of it's patriots. We cannot allow them to be tempted to leave in order to betray us to the aggressors to the North. The Imperialism of the monkeys and drag queens to the north (that's Sweden and Norway separately) must not be allowed.

Therefore I have set a bill in place to raise the import taxes on moving tickets to 500%. WE WILL GIVE THEM NOTHING, AND TAKE FROM THEM EVERYTHING!

Of course this does not forbid them from leaving. What it does mean is that for every citizen who wishes Denmark, they must pay 600 DKK, 125 DKK will go to the Indonesian country, and 575 will go to the Danish government.

In other news our scientists have discovered that citizens of the countries north of Denmark cannot discern between fact and fiction. Which explains why both Norway and Sweden completely shut down when the film "Reptilicus" was aired, as they started preparing for a gigantic flying dragon to destroy Stockholm and Oslo.

As a part of cultural aid the government has air-dropped 7,000 educational programs called "Hooked On Phonics!", these kits will teach the Norwegian and Swedish people how to read, easy! Soon after that we will start dropping the simplified works of Hans Christian Anderson. This will include the following simplified works:
"The Snow Queen: (Simplified to, Icy-Bitch Queen Bad!)"
"The Little Mermai😛(Fish Girl Wants Legs and Man!)"
"The Emperor's New Clothes (Emperor Gets Bad Deal from H&M)"
"The Ugly Duckling (Hello I'm from Stockholm and moved to Denmark)"

Now for an excerpt from Swedish State TV: All Swedes are exactly like this, and equally annoying!