Day 933, 02:55 Published in India Croatia by petar212

Russian troops attacked the Usa and other countries.
We ask ourself🙁 ARE WE READY FOR NEXT WAR)
As it appears, or the Russians drank too much vodka or just get mad, I leave you to judge.
Russia was country in the shadow. She was a big bear in cave, and we make a mistake and we woke him up.

Situation in Lionking isnt better. Serbians are still controlling that important region. The invasion at Middle-East colaps at few weeks ago. In few words i wil describe.
We came there and we lose there.

Our friends in America are in danger. Are we gonna help them or not.
Russia isnt such a strong nation, but Russia and Serbia control one part of the Middle-East, and with some new countries they can rule the world!!!
US wants you.You better hide.

After the text lets go compare nations.

What a shame!!!!

They look beter. But Russia have one thing better.

Our dog.

How cute.....
WOOOOOW. Run its comming a russian dog!
I must go.
See you later.