Macedonia's Real Brothers [VOIX]

Day 1,360, 04:49 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Voix of Macedonia

As you all know Macedonia is in ONE alliance for 4 or 5 months and before 2 months ONE almost conquered the whole eWorld.... but something happened! What?
In the month of july Macedonia have lost almost all of it's empire... something because of it's own fault and something because of disorganization of ONE's members in the battles.

The point of this article is that there are some member(s) in ONE that doesn't deserve the help of the alliance, and that even they have to be replaced by another member in that alliance or they have to change their way in the working of the alliance... I will speak firstly about the members that I thing that Macedonia should be great full to for the rest of their eLife, and after that I would mention the "black sheeps" in this particular alliance.

Serbia and Hungary

I'm mentioning this two countries together, because I feel that we owe to them the same thinks from the begining when the admins added Macedonia in this game. When we had a problems with Bulgaria and in the beginning when we were weak they wanted to use our weakness and to conquer us, BUT then Serbia and Hungary showed up and with the good diplomacy of our then president Strumjanin we managed to save ourselves and take a time to develop better so we would become a great power in this eWorld few months later.
Thanks Serbia and Hungary our brothers!


The country that has always been like a brother to us. When they were deleted they came to live in Macedonia (at least biggest part of them) and they were fighting for Macedonia and they were spending for Macedonia eve RL money. In good and bad they were always with us (especially the Lazarokrati) and they were making milions of damage for us, and still even nowadays they are doing the same things and I wish our brotherhood last forever.
Thanks Turkey you will never walk alone!

From the time when Macedonia signed MPP with Poland in many battles I see the strong Polish fighters fighting for Macedonia. I'm glad that the strongest country in this eWorld is fighting with us back in back.
Thank you Poland you showed that you can be great allies! Thanks for everything!

They are not core member of ONE but their strong tanks are making great damage for Macedonia from the time that I was eBorn and I can see still on the battlefield that many Indonesians are in top 5 fighters in the Macedonian battles. Thank you Indonesia for everything you did for us!

UK ____ EDIT

Sorry that I'm adding you now in this article! 🙁 sorry!! You are also one of our best allies. Your tanks were making MILIONS OF DAMAGE for us against Greece! We will return your favour! You will never walk alone! Thanks for everything!

Montenegro, Egypt and Saudi Arabia

This three countries with small population but with great hearts! Always with us and never turned their back on us. We helped them with our damage but they helped us with another favors that can not be returned. Thank you you small countries with great hearts!

Now I will tell the countries that (in my opinion) doesn't deserve to be our alliance


So many months together in ONE and I haven't seen EVEN ONE SPANISH soldier fighting for Macedonia. Even I have seen many Spaniards fighting for our enemies! You have to work to gain our trust, and you have to work very hard to get that! You want our help? Show us that you are worthy for it! You are our worst alliance that we ever had! Thank you for nothing!


I'm mentioning them because they were our alliance and we were helping each other. We gave them many resources and when we wanted our favor back... BAM backstab! "Thank you" Cyprus!


Few months ago we had very good relationship with Slovenia and we were helping each other a lot! What happened now? Slovenia why are you so selfish now? I have rarely seen a Slovenian hitting for Macedonia (thanks to the one that did), but something is very bad in our relationships. Gather you'r minds and think about what are you doing! You will ask for our help! Don't do it to become very late for you! Think about it!

P.S: This is my opinion and I think that is the opinion of the bigger part of the Macedonian population!