Luke Peters for EPIC PP January 2011?

Day 1,151, 09:19 Published in Canada Canada by Luke Peters

Yes that's right, I am running yet again. However, this month, I actually feel that there is not any major person that will wipe out the opposition. With no Sperry, no Kronos and no Nosyt, the race is wide open.

As your PP you can expect transparency; in fact, as the current Auditor General of eCanada, I am leading this country in financial accountability and transparency and i've even written a law that congress is discussing regarding this.

All that time ago, I recommended to, then President, Sperry of a new method of primary voting (the Alternative Vote system); now we have used this to great effect since then. In fact, we've seen participation in our primary votes for our Country President nomination increase over the months as we now contact every member of EPIC via PM in-game and ask them to vote. It also means that every vote counts whether only one person voted for a candidate or if 50 voted for a candidate; you can guarantee that as long as you ranked every candidate, your vote was included during the entire vote counting process.

Now that you have seen my accomplishments, time to look at why I should be your Party President now.

I feel that as someone who believes deeply in transparency and equality in all members, that I am the perfect example of the type of person that EPIC aims to represent.

Activity is one of the main things i'm known for; in fact there are some that wish I was less active as I sometimes poke holes in their plans that just don't work or are not the way that we as a country should be heading.

In this next month, I am not promising miracles, but I hope that as a party, we can repeat some of the triumphs of previous months, including our 30% showing in congress this month, and proving yet again that the AV system truly is the way forward for Canada that I can continue this party's fame and glory.

Making me your Party President is a decision that you must not take lightly; the same is true for making Trenton Rendell or skittles mg your President; but remember whoever you choose, will be leading this party for the next 31 days, they will be leading the second largest political party for 31 days. Over time I have seen this party climb from #5 to #2 and no matter the result tomorrow; I hope that the elected President can tomorrow lead this country forwards.

Finally, I would like to wish the best of luck to my two competitors in the election tomorrow, and may the best candidate win. 🙂