LSD-BAP Alliance

Day 544, 13:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Christopher J Adshead

I would like to annoce that the LSD have made an alliance with BAP,British Advanment Party, we both share militaristic views and are both small yet great parties.

This allaince is a big step forward for the LSD whose numbers have been decreasing slighty over the past few weeks but now that we have elected a new PP we hop we can move forward and if it weren't for this new PP this alliance might never have been made.

Currently another alliance is being discuused with another small militaristic party if this alliance is accepted then it wil lbe another great step for this party and the other party which is involed.

I have been appointed LSD Senior Adviser by viperb10, a role which i accept with honor and i wil ldo my best to make this party the great exciting party it was once.

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