LR's Departure. Last Words.

Day 637, 04:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by Lord Rhindon

Indeed, I do not intend to reverse my decision - I've purchased my flight tickets and sold most of my cloaks in exchange for garments more suitable for warmer weather. Its time I move on.

Many, most of you, have implored that I remain here. I have had the privilege to come to know a great deal of our community exceptionally well, I understand the concern and I appreciate the gesture.

This *certainly* isn't entirely about Christina's hasty accusations, which I believe I've done more than enough to disprove - I'm not overly worried about that. This is more about the situation within Ireland I have been in for many weeks now...almost a month, in fact...which the last few days had heightened, last-straw-style. Things of a not so public nature have over time cost me my dearest friends, my best of intentions and my most passionate of dreams for the nation. I am not associating myself with a new home due to the occurrences of the past couple of days - although this did stand as the final blow - but primarily due to a much larger period of time in which I have enjoyed myself here no longer. At all.

I am a good man, and however strong-willed, I was a man of Ireland. Very much so. Those who know me, even vaguely, can affirm.

Despite what a few might say...I have never taken or used that which does not belong or given as responsibility to me, I have never taken advantage of another for my own personal gain. I've always, at every turn, given myself selflessly to the country - and have always put the Community, and others, before myself. In the limelight of the public, and in private. I will not elaborate, because...

You know that. As such, I will take no part in returning the dirt.

Instead, I'll recognize those I've worked with most closely, most recently...

Aran Tal, Mr President, I have a great deal of respect for you, as I know you have for me, and it is with much regret that I must resign my positions here during your administration. We did have our disagreements, but never was this deconstructive, with this was accompanied times of healthy co-operation. Ultimately, Ireland has been fortunate to have an open-minded President such as yourself at the helm. You're truly worthy of the post.

Selfless. A true leader.

Grainne, I cannot express enough my thanks to you for being everything you were. We shared many a ploughman's lunch together, and the banter we used to constantly privately engage in was nothing short of pure camaraderie. We worked together through unbelievably demanding times. I very much regret the fact that we have parted ways in the end, as I do disagree with you strongly on an issue or two. But in the end I choose to hold no grudge. You may never make such a choice, but I will take the course of the gentleman. I wish you well.

Unbelievably valiant.

Patton, I'm sorry that we cannot continue what we had begun to set out on - from the co-operation you extended to IRP, to our subsequent candidacies as President/Vice President, to talk of the revitalization of IUP, I enjoyed our work together and I am sure you will succeed at everything you set your hand to, as a respected member of our nation.


Digits, you are one hell of an efficient, methodical individual. I am glad to have worked with you. You have big dreams and even bigger potential. Independent Voices, spearheaded by yourself, is something I hope to see reach the heights you intend.


Brian Boru, thank you. And good luck with Northern Ireland haha. Just don't get our backsides blown off the map!


Darragh, you have a good heart. ISRP could ask for no better.


Uaithne, I remember the day you slipped me a few gold, when I was a mere peasant, to help get The Celtic Chronicle up and running. You helped me start something big and I am very grateful for it.


Tayto, you're side-splitting flair for comedy is a breath of fresh air for us all here, the ridiculously useless but unbelievably entertaining marriage legislation you've passed is your best accomplishment yet! Sad I couldn't stick around to get engaged.


Tarazis, you're a rising star in IUP. I think you've alot of potential. Keep up the active work, we could do with more of it! Oh, so far as I know, you were actually my first critic on political matters (neutrality), heheh, nice.


Kit Fisto, you embody everything Ireland should begin encouraging recklessly - intelligent prose worthy of note. Don't stop, ever. Even under "threat of ban", lol.


Mannimarco, I admit, you've got to be the most misunderstood character we have around here, I take back everything I thought (never said) about you lol. You're a good guy. Just don't try throwing up too many statues of Lenin around the place. Have fun. But BEHAVE. -.- Lol.


To Ireland. Everyone is here...every asset, every advantage, every strong point...I haven't even mentioned half of those I wanted to...there are so many others. Work together...compliment each other's strengths...strive for excellence, set an example. Don't dirty yourselves as the average politician in the average country does. Your all above-average businessmen, pollies, journalists, warriors. Far above. This is why we are who we are. Never forget that.

I will be tying up a few loose ends before I leave - donating gold to the Irish Community org before passing it on, and sitting down to properly respond to the gazillion PMs I've received being another - from officials and friends well as make a few of my own to several individuals. In Ireland...

And Australia. Here, the nation I live real-life, I intend to begin afresh. New faces, new challenges, a whole new career to forge. My RL home. But, I will always remember this Island, and so long as I am in The New World, wherever I am, I will stand for its liberty and sovereignty as one of the greatest, and most gifted, nations in eRepublik.


Lord Rhindon
Aficionado of Fine Wines
Publisher of The Celtic Chronicle
Publisher of Rhindon's Rationality
Congressman of Dublin
Minister of Community
Minister of Information
Foreign Affairs UnderSecretary

P.S. My summer holiday destination...guess where? If you've ever a spare room for a week, do let me know. Disappearing forever is not on my to-do list.