Loyalty to the End... Long Live Egypt

Day 1,331, 07:22 Published in Egypt Egypt by Varlosh

Long Live Egypt
People of eEgypt,

Citizens of this Magnificent Nation!

Today I address you all not as a Former President, but as a Citizen of our nation. This is not a campaign Speech, nor a political debate. Furthermore, I point out today, that i do not seek reelection into the Presidential office, nor will I run for it.

What brings me to talk to you today - is love for my country.

Occurrences in our nation have brought us all apart. For months i have talked about the importance of unity, about the importance of Co Operation - and it's importance is evident now, more than ever.

The Arab People are a proud race, they love their country, they love their nation. No doubt, most nationals of most countries love their homeland, but for the Arabs, it always has that special significance. We have spent years of our history under foreign occupation, be it eastern or more recently western, and for this reason the seeds of xenophobia have long been sowed into many of the more nationalistic ones.

3eyshy Hora ya Misr - Live Free Egypt!

Recently, in the previous Presidential Election, a Croatian candidate, Cecenija won the election. The circumstances were fishy, and the result hugely debatable, but that is all history now. What is done is done, and if we sit and look back then we will get overtaken by other countries.

No - We must look forward, into the future and leave the past behind us.

The situation in the Middle East is changing and so are the sands of time. Look around you and you will see there is a huge power struggle and that the entire region could be on the verge of war.

So is this the time to be calling each other Traitors and PTOers?

So is this the time to be squabbling over the smallest details, and ignoring the bigger picture?

No - no it is not.

This, in all likelihood, is the last time i write an article addressing the nation in such an article, and i hope you heed my warning, and take into account.

Fight and Argue, and Egypt will be no more. Work together, and the potential of this country is astronomically huge.

If we carry on like this, more and more people will abandon our country, and we will lose the few Friends we have remaining.

Already, two pillar stones of Egypt have left/are leaving us, in Arab_League and Heboo as well as loyal citizens such as JohnD999.

This has gone on too far.
Cecenija, I urge you to do what is best for Egypt, either sort out your difference with your opposition - and get LnL to do the same-, or, take the honorable option and Resign from office. Everyone must consider the bigger picture, and the greater good of Egypt.

Life is a cross road of choices, and it's time for Egypt to choose.

Finally, Thank you to everyone for all your kindness and support in my time in office, it has been a pleasure serving eEgypt and we have achieved a lot together. This country has come a long way since our humble beginnings, and I couldn't have done it without you.

Loyalty...to the End.
Tahya Gomhoret Misr El Arabia
Long Live Egypt!

A Citizen of Egypt