Loving... without Dio

Day 451, 10:56 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by William Walker

This will be the second of the series 'Things'...without Dio. Today, also in coherence with valentine's day and the wig's contest, I will present the next article in the series:

First, let us inspect thie delightful phenomenon called love. What is love? Love, is it the certain desire for another person? The affection that one shows towards an object of material value, or just a mere chemical reaction fueled by scents and sights?

Here we will take a look into love. A deep look into love. Love is not only a noun but can also be a verb. You can love things just as much as you can have it within you. What can be loved? Well, practically everything can be loved. You can love a good book, you can love that movie you just saw, you can love a good steak or you can just love yourself or love to love! There are no boundries to the amount of love one can share or express towards other people or objects or topics, but onesself. You can have a romantic love, a platonic love, familial love even religious love. All these forms of love are possible in so many ways, yet their only boundries come from within, the same place from which they originate. Love comes from within, the more you have inside of you the more you can share with the world around you.

Love is more than just the phyiscal attraction to a person or object, it isn't just that little skip in your heartbeat or the light-headedness. Love goes beyond that initial feeling of butterflies in your stomache. Love is a feeling deep within your heart and mind.

When you open your heart and your mind and show passion, sympathy, affection, fairness, gentleness, kindness to others without the envy of gratification, without fear of denial, without hate or anger, that is when you are loving truly. It is in that moment that you open yourself to the world and everyone within it. Once you have lost the love for yourself and found the love in yourself you have found the power to love and be loved. For that is all that matters and will matter.

Empires and nations will rise and fall, politicians will heed greed and contrigue, people will die and others will be born, but eternally and infinitly there will be that one emotion, that one power that will endure all the others for eons to come: Dio Brando's love.