Lottery 1: The Results

Day 736, 08:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Damian Jacob Tamir Jager

I have to say that was the worst turnout of a lottery I have ever seen, so out of the 3 people (4 tickets, it was) who played, they all won.

1st: Avlana Kiarunto
2n😛 Tabasco Mauste
3r😛 Avlana Kiarunto
4th: Dustin Farin Frable
5th: Tabasco Mauste

AK gets 1.2 Gold
TM gets 0.54 Gold
DFF gets 0.06 Gold

And I take my commission of 0.2 Gold.

I will not be doing another one for a bit, (I need to save lots of gold for advertising, 10 would be good, please donate to can if you can)

And also next time I will be making it 1 ticket= 1 gold again (it's just a lot easier to organize)

Thank you citizen of the eWorld, and good night.