Lord Rhindon Resurrected...

Day 895, 23:39 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by Lord Rhindon

Hello Gents, (and dear ladies)...

First, what the hell happened to all the subscribers?? 100 readers disappeared!! I feel desperately poor all of a sudden...

Anyhow, I've taken up residence back in Dublin. Its quieter than London...feels closer to home... Did my bit as UK's MoFA (never struck a pact of harmonious accord between our two islands, sorry!), then retired due to real life some 6 months ago. And I still intend to remain 'retired'.

Well, somewhat.

Might catch a chat with whoever's running the place today...coffee anyone? I'm so behind eWorld history these days I feel old. And btw, Patton - through your latest article - you lured me back here. So they can hold you responsible for this!


~ LR