Looking for job?

Day 1,260, 23:37 Published in South Korea South Korea by brandyrocks

I will be hiring low leveled eSK citizens!!
who are at a job level of 1~7 (it's fine if it's higher 🙂

I will give you guys 5KRW per day as your salary (😑 ㅗ)
but hold on a minute!! that's not the end of it!!
I will be giving 30 Q5 bread per day (YES 300HP per day!!)
on top of your minimum salary.
You will be able to fight everyday producing MAX DAMAGE!!
In this way, the newcomers will be able to fast lvl and create
their first company faster!! Also don't forget they will be
able to vote and do some other crazy stuff!!

But there is the thing...
You have to... WORK at 100hp! Yes, the only 3 digit number in erepublik when you're working, not 99, not 95+, no 2 digits! Is that so much to ask for?
Am I being too mean here? For my benefit?
Hope it was entertaining enough thanks for listening.

Please follow the link if you are interested http://economy.erepublik.com/en/market/job/47/0/1/0/desc/5
and select brandyrocks with bread OR brandyrocks bread company