Looking for a Job? :: Looking for a Better Job? :: Not looking for a job? :: Are you a citizen of erepublik?

Day 301, 19:56 Published in USA USA by Florida Commerce Bank

If you answered Yes to any of those questions then this article was written entirely and exclusively for you. We at the Florida Commerce Bank care about you, and care about all of our employees. We have wrote this message to advertise our services to all the wonderful citizens of the US of A.

Currently The Florida Commerce Bank owns and operates three Fantastic and awe inspiring companies, and we want you to have the opportunity to be a part of them. If you are looking for a job in erepublik. If you are looking for a better job. If you aren't looking for a job, but still reading this article. Then the Florida Commerce Bank, has a job for you.

We are currently hiring in all three of our Seductive Companies. All conveniently located in sunny Florida with beach access. All jobs come with competitive pay, complimentary massage therapy, every employee gets their own personal secretary, free refreshments from our world renowned lounge bar, and the ability to gloat to everyone you meet that you work for the Florida Commerce Bank. So Evaluate your skills and take your pick

[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/company-43581.html]The Helping Hand[/a]
A 2nd Quality Gift Company
Hiring Everyone with a skill higher than 2.00
Additional Offers Include: Health care and bonuses(PM for more details)
Pay Scale: Productivity
Average Pay: $8.66
The Helping Hand Gift Company is one of the oldest gift companies still operating in the US, founded during the USCAN War it is a relic and a testament of how shrewd business sense and business morals can take you through the bad times. This company has been the corner stone of The Florida Commerce Bank for sometime. The Helping Hand has supplied the US population with the cheapest gifts per quality whenever the markets are stable, The HH has supplied countless gifts for our soldiers during war time and peace time. Without the Helping Hand gifting programs like the one started by President Immunogenic in Providence so long ago would not have been possible. If you are of an upstanding moral character, and would feel honored to work in a historical company for a cause greater than your pay check, this is the place for you!

[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/company-140182.html]A Last Resort[/a]
A 2nd Quality Weapons Company
Hiring Everyone with a skill higher than 2.00
Additional Offers Include: Health care, Employee Discounts, and bonuses (PM for more details)
Pay Scale: Productivity
Average Pay: $7.00
A Last Resort Weapons Company was the Florida Commerce's Bank most recent purchase. We believe that it is in the best interest of our citizens and our country to make sure we can defend ourselves. A Last Resort is just that, a last resort, when diplomacy fails we still have you backed up. When you are in the heat of battle, you are still safe with us. When you are in a foreign country and your ambushed by a raving band of gypsy wolves, we will be there to save you. At Last Resort our goals are to keep a large stockpile of weapons to be released upon request. Once our stock is established we will be able to be contacted by military organizations, or individuals who wish to arm themselves. Our Weapons may not be Q4, but we will make sure you come out of the fight alive. If you would like to produce weapons, but still remain diplomatic. If you would like to make sure our troops come back alive. We have a job for you

[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/company-32491.html]Euthanasia[/a]

A Starting Quality Hospital Company
Hiring Anyone and Everyone
Additional Offers Include: Promotional Opportunities (PM for more details)
Starting Pay: 2 * Skill + 1.15
Pay Scale: 2 * Skill + .25
Average Pay: $6.50
Euthanasia Hospital Manufacturing Company is currently the only Q1 Hospital company actively producing stock for the US. Under the FAQsCorp Umbrella, Euthansia serves a duel-purpose for the US. Euthanasia supplies Q1 hospitals to our many regions who are without a hospital and who do not have the population to save for a Q4. Euthanasia also acts as a training ground for Sacred Heart and FAQs Hospitals. All Euthanasia Employees will be contacted by the GM at SH or FH once they have reached the desired skill level and will move up. Allowing our country a steady and cheap supply of not only Q1 Hospitals, but Q3 and Q4. If you would like to be a part of keeping our nation healthy. Then we are here for you.

I hope this article has been as inspiration for you readers as it has been for me, the writer. I have laughed, I have cried, I have had 3 meals and a surgery while writing this down. A Bank is so much more when you take it all in and recall the beauty and the memories of the past. Both the good and the bad. Remember citizens of the United States of American in Erepublik. The Florida Commerce Bank cares about you.