LOOK what i have found!(edited)

Day 382, 04:36 Published in Czech Republic Croatia by gotcha1234

Leader of the Federal Social Democrat Party, Justin Tyme(AKA Pvt. Ryan), is a member of Facepunch Studios; just as most members of the FSD are.

Despite their abundance of organization and the appealing aesthetics, they are in fact not working for the good of Germany:

Page 29, Pvt. Ryan - "I want someone to take the names of every fighter that fights on the defender's side and record them. See what their profile says- if they have any relation to anything Polish, we'll blacklist them and implicate them in this travesty. If they run a newspaper- see if they wrote anything in Polish. If they work for a Polish company- blacklist them. If they have Polish associations in their friends list- blacklist them. As president, I'll form the Federal Ministry of Intelligence- let's start it now. If anyone speaks and understands Polish, it would be much appreciated if they could dig their way in the Polish Erepublik forums and see what is going on."

Page 31, Beafman - "That settles it then. Ryan, declare war on Denmark!"

Page 31, Beafman - "Like Iran was 4chan's country, Germany will be ours"

Page 31, Rotinaj - "rayan should be presidant of world"

Page 31, Pvt. Ryan - "slavs are the new jews in germany "

Page 32, luverofJ!93 - "I fucking hate those slavic bastards. I call genocide."

(More racism, mixed in with some economics)

Page 34, Pvt. Ryan - "We'll show those Czechs who's boss. "

Page 34, Shadow2398 - "lol, somehow I just knew we were gonna end up annexing the Czech republic, well comrades, TO WAR! LET US SHOW HOW WE HAVE THE GREATEST POWER OF ALL, OUR BURNING SPIRIT!

sieg heil glühendheiß Kampfgeist!"

Page 34, ThePuttyV2 - "Australia belongs to Indonesia? Fuck that shit, I'm gonna liberate that bitch."

Page 36, - shadow2398 "http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/jobs-for-those-who-wish-to-keep-germany-free-and-full-of-burning-spirit--703946/1

So? What do you guys think of my first article? I know its basically an overblown advertisement for my own company, but hey, war propaganda works."

Page 36, Parrot - "Right now, we have South Korea under control. We've got the public on our side, we're importing our own people; we're set. If you came, it'd muddy it up. We don't need two pro-Facepunch groups fighting for power in South Korea.

And really, we in the Czechland just sank both the Czech Republic and Slovakia to you guys. Let us have South Korea. 😛

Try somewhere else other than South Korea. Like, Moladava. No one cares about that. Liberate it and knock yourselves out! "

Page 37, Pvt. Ryan - "Yeah- although personally I think Sweden is being a bunch of imperialist babies who are using Swedish government bureaucracy against us, to actually go through with the embargo would be suicide gauging the response we got. However, it DID send the message that Germany is an independent state who will make decisions in our interests. Sweden's talk has been a bit condescending, as if Germany is just a puppet state or child of Sweden, but we'll have to deal with it for now.

We sent our message; Germany will never bend over in the face of foreign influence."

Page 38, theleader123 - "Maybe, at the very least we can just threaten to impeach him[DKN] unless he does what we want, while not the optimal solution it might work but I wouldn't recommend using it as an initial course of action though."

Source: http://forums.facepunchstudios.com/showthread.php?t=636957

Remember how first NISP came then Parrot.My theory is that parrot was just the ''second wawe of attack''.Also shanethe13 was a puppet of both all the time,and that is why he wanted to ''send us to hell''.Also my theory is they want to control the world in a sort of illuminati type of control.