Look, Listen and Learn

Day 615, 21:34 Published in Australia USA by xanthrax

As war rages across the world the neutrality Australia has maintained is a double edged sword. The diplomatic work to release most of the country from eIndo rule has been exceptional, a stark contrast to the attitude of South Africa and its failed attempts at liberation.

Aussies sleep soundly at night, with no fear of losing their homes. The treasury is not being drained with the demands of a long hard fought war. Citizens are free.

But Australia must learn from the dilema the eUSA now finds itself in and in fact learn the wisdom of the eIndo approach to economy and society.

Im not advocating senseless hateful acts of war, but not fighting in some form or another will forever stop Australia from growing at any reasonable rate, falling further and further behind the rest of the world.

With two Q5 hospitals Australia would gain incredible growth by being involved in some form of combat. 50 wellness a day is such a large ammount to go without. Not to mention the benefits of training the populace in combat and rasing rankings and defence capabilities.

Workers producing at 90+ wellness constantly rather than 60's would give a massive boom to industry. With production up, wages will follow. With higher wages and production more revenue is gained from taxes so government grows. All 3 highly beneficial to Australias economy.

Defensive training is also something that sould not be overlooked. Why has the eUSA struggled so far to defend against eIndo? ....... Combat experience. Slowly now the general population of eUSA is gaining ranks and increasing its defence capability. The value of raising every Australian citizens rank just 2 levels is a massive 40% increase in defensive capability.

Australia must break from being the oppressed neighbour of eIndo and start to stand on her own 2 feet. Open the Economy for growth and allow the people the chance to better defend themselves. THIS IS A MUST.

Every Australian citizen must encourage the government to find a trainning war somewhere. The value of the combat far outweighs the cost.

Every day Australia falls further and further behind the rest of the world based simply on this fact.

Avoid the world war and maintain neutrality, but dont limit the economy and growth of the nation through naivity.