Long Sword? Depends on what you compare it too.

Day 886, 17:06 Published in Canada Canada by Pants Magee

Greetings dears readers and people who clicked this link looking for porn. I wish to talk to you all about the Long Sword Rebellion and its quote unquote ending.

Late last night I was strolling down main street eCanada minding my own business after leaving a local watering hole. I was feeling pretty good even though I just lost a drinking contest to a couple of Crimson guys who shall remain nameless, they can really pound back the lager! Any who, I walked passed an alley and saw a couple of eCanadians talking about a Long Sword rebellion. So I decided to ask them about it.

"Hey guys", I said. "Waz ull thiz aboot your Long Swords?"

Two of them looked at me and the tall one started to talk, "Where have you been Mr. Beardy? The Long Swords are all about changing the government and ousting current ideologies."

The cubby guy said "Forget this guy, he's totally not Long Sword material."

The group of guys looked at each other and started to chortle jubilantly.

"Whatever guyz, I Dun follow zuh politics anyway, hic" I said. "I'm jus trying go home. But now I gotta pee! I gonna go on zuh wall over here."

So I walked to the all beside them and proceeded to liquidate my recent imbibed beers. All of a Sudden the talkative Long Sworders stop conversating.

I looked over to them and said "Hey why yous staring at my junk?" The chubby guy looked to his crotch, adjusted his pants and said to the other guys. "umm guys, I think we need to stop this Long Sword stuff, that Bearded fellow clearly has a copyright on it.

And with that they walked away.

I finished my piss and stumbled on home singing the Flintstones theme song as sung by Homer Simpson.

P. Magee