London Mayor

Day 245, 02:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stan Wephen

I think I should take the opportunity to thank London for voting me as mayor. It was a close-knit competition, but I think that can only help to serve London, as well as keeping me on my toes! Firstly, I would like to invite every candidate who stood for London mayor onto the London Council. London cannot be run by one person, and so we need enthusiastic and active citizens to help out!

There's a lot to be done if I'm to live up to the expectations of Piperbunny, but I'm sure I can do it and, since you voted me in, you also have faith in me. I won't let you down.

There are 3 main areas I would like to focus on in London:

Work - I want to reduce unemployment and make sure everyone's paid the right wages. That's why I'll be contacting all unemployed citizens in London and asking them if they need help.

Wellness - With the help of the Council I want to ensure every active citizen has at least 90% wellness. That is a hard target to set, which means we will work all the harder to acheive it.

Culture - I want to ensure that London is the centre of culture. We will have competitions as often as possible, regarding our logo, motto and each other. I also want to create a crack team of London journalists to make sure we have a good writing team in London.

Thank you again London. Together, we'll make it happen.