Day 269, 13:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stan Wephen
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From today, the London Council is operating under a new system. All citizens who wish for NHS funding must apply for London citizenship.

What is a London Citizenship?

It's nothing more than a fancy term for someone who is on the list for NHS gifting. It means we can distinguish between people who need gifting and those who don't.

Why has this new system come into place?

The population of London has grown to such a large size that it currently is impossible to check every single citizen and determine whether they need welfare.Citizenship means London Coucillors don't need to spend hours checking on statistics of players in E-republik and can focus on what's important - looking after London.

How do I get a London Citizenship?

Send these details via a pm to me, Stan Wephen.
-Your name
-Your profile URL (copy and paste from the address bar on your profile)
-What company you work for
-Whether you train as a soldier
-Your quality house (if applicable)

Are there any requirements to getting gifted?

Yes, only a few. Make sure you work at least 4 days every week, and make sure you eat food.

When can I expect to be gifted?

On the next Monday once your citizenship is confirmed.

How is my citizenship confirmed?

Once you send your pm, you should get a pm back from me within 2 days to confirm your citizenship. If you do not receive a confirmation, please send me another pm - it may have been lost in the E-uk mail service

If you have any other questions or issues regarding London Citzenship, please feel free to pm me. Thank you.

Stan Wephen
Mayor of London

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