Lolwut 6_9

Day 1,022, 09:48 Published in USA USA by St Krems

My fellow Americans,

My victory this morning came as much of a surprise to myself as I'm sure it did to you. You'll have to forgive the lack of detail in this article but to be honest, I haven't had Internet access since about two hours before the 'election committee' finished their work and made their ruling. Last night I had gone to bed assuming that I had lost, woke up, checked in to see results hadn't changed and then decided to do something that left me unable to access the Internet for the day. I only found out I was President because a member of my cabinet sent me a text telling me so. I hadn't expected to be needed online today and quite frankly I'm wracking up quite the phone bill trying to organise myself and my cabinet right now. Just to give you an idea, I'm writing this article on a laptop that has no Internet access and will save it to a flash drive to hopefully publish on a library computer tomorrow. (Did I mention that I moved today (yesterday to you, dear reader) and will hopefully have my new Internet sorted out by tomorrow (today :3).)

However, I'm happy so say that my administration will not miss a beat. We already have a functioning cabinet in place and I trust my deputies to be capable enough to manage without my direct oversight for 24 hours. Once I get online for a bit any changes in my All Star Cabinet Line Up will be announced but until that time the current cabinet will carry on functioning as normal.

Things are moving swiftly, America, and I'm happy that those of you who are not bots chose to show enough faith in me to give me a second term. I'd like to congratulate my opponent, Cromstar, on a very well run campaign. It sucks it had to end like this, given the choice I'd have preferred a clean victory for either of us. I'm sure Cromstar had nothing to do with the events that lead to admin reversing the election results and I ask both his supporters and mine to not stir up any trouble over the way this election turned out. Obviously, the way this was decided is not ideal but what happened happened and we must remain united.

I'm looking forward to this term, I hope you are too.

Bigger, Harder, Faster, Stronger,

St Krems

Update: I’ve got my internet sorted. Time to lock and load.

My To-Do List:
Propose a Hospital for California - Done
Write a new NCM
Publish finalised cabinet
Beat Dragon Age Awakening on non-casual mode
Treasury /renting figures
More dealing with India stuff