Day 516, 10:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar

It emerged yesterday that a top secret independent source contacted this very press department with the breaking news that everyone in the entire world was a spy. He also added that there was one exception, this man being only known as Logamac or loga.

Our news reporters/I have been working tirelessly to bring you the truth, even to the point that I had to sleep in the news office for the night (it wasn't very comfortable), but I can now reveal the truth behind this man.

The current VotW Press Office

Logamac has been described by a number of sources (who are spies, of course) being 5' 7", hunched back, wears very large glasses, has a bald head and is gormless looking. We are unable to give out a sketch of the description due to the fact that he looks so strange that the sketch artist couldn't stop laughing for long enough to actually draw him.

But, be warned fellow spies, he's on the loose!

He was last seen around the eUK Forum Corporation building, scaling the walls to gain entrance, however I have reason to believe that he was discouraged from entering it and is leaving due to the fact he is pining for his mother called Philip, one source said.

In an unofficial statement, Prime Minister malta_1990 sai😛

"I am unable to disclose the secret information about the man, however, I deem him a threat to the United Kingdom and all the spies that inhabit it.
Furthermore, half of my brain is Romanian and the other half of it is Hungarian, and the Brotherhood of Mutants will lead an eUK coup.

But that last bit's not important.

Ladies and gentleman (and Bob), due to the nature of this man, he is to be assumed armed and extremely dangerous to your cover as a spy.

Take extreme caution if approached by him, as even our psychology department are unable to predict what an outcome of such an even would be.

Don't forget, folks, your government and others are working to keep you safe and rid the world of the anti-spy menace. A conference held tonight with the leaders of the world aims to sort out this problem before Logamac is able to strike.

Find out more in tomorrow's instalment of...

LOGAMAC: Whisky Tango Foxtrot?