Local Elections Tomorrow

Day 151, 04:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ste93
Yes it's been a month already! I urge all my citizens to vote in the elections, as long as they vote for me 😛 Joking aside, it really is important that you vote and make your vote count.

I am, of course, standing again and i'd like you to vote for me.
Here are some reasons why you should...

What I've done so far...

In my first month I have secured us a hospital, something no mayor managed in the past. i have also contacted all the citizens of Belfast as well as giving out gifts every so often to help my citizens along. The population has boosted in my time as mayor too

What I plan to do...

I will continue my meeting and greeting of new citizens and the gift giving i do (out of my pocket no less).

I also will continue to strive for an even better hospital for us as i think we deserve it, we have a very high average strength and with more citizens arriving every day (some from the recently fallen Australia no less 🙁) we deserve one.

I will continue encouraging people to join the game and live in Belfast.

I will also try to get more citizens to interact with each other,i'll explain how if i get into power again, I think it is important that we learn to communicate with each other as it gives a strong sense of community and spirit.

And finally i'm a very active mayor and i answer any questions people ask me.

Thanks for reading - Vote Ste93