Local Elections Reminder - Bristol

Day 273, 05:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Squiddy

Hello again readers, this will probably be the last time I write to you all under the name of Bristol Mayoral Candidacy, (for obvious reasons), whether I win or lose, I plan to make this into a proper paper dedicated to national news coverage.

Anywho, let's get on with the article. We have so far been graced with 3 of the Mayoral Candidates Manifesto's. While the Tories' Samuel Benton has declined on providng any such media for the voters tomorrow. Either way good luck to them all tomorrow!


TUP - Squiddy

UKRP - Rayf Drayson

PCP - Keitarour

Candidates Interview

Good luck to all candidates tomorrow, not just in Bristol but everywhere! 🙂