Little help for eItaly

Day 682, 07:07 Published in Italy Indonesia by zocky

Ciao Italia,

First which I want to say: Italia will be always my eHome 🙂 .I left Italy 3 months ago to find new challenges and thing that hurted me a lot here is that old Italian generation(with them i have eGrown up,my eChildhood) almost dissapeared.Now Italy has new chance and dream - Baby boom.

I offer you my help to get Baby boom in eItaly.I already did some work and some tips for you.
First I found biggest forums in RL Italy,then number of visits for each website.Also besides big Italian sites and forums there is one big international site.Probably everyone has account there,it is Facebook.In one article by Serbian author there was described how to have free ads on facebook.It is great chance,because Facebook is probably the best site to get babyboom.

So that are 3 ways of making Babyboom:
1.Spamming biggest Italian forums
2.Contacting journalists of most visited sites in Italy.Some sites probably want money to make article about game,well I have solution even for that.Someone who buys golds ingame can pay for article and place there his/her refferer link.In that way he/she will probably earn more money by invites than buying golds.And ofc Italy will get babies 😛
3.Ads on facebook.

Conditions to have succesfull Babyboom:
1.All kinds of tutorials
2.Big amount of q1 food
3.People who will be online at chat or forum to help new players till they learn how to play.
4.Make babyboom with refferer link(to earn money).
Many other ideas,sorry I am not master 😛

List of most visited sites where maybe we can get free article if journalist is interested or we can pay:

List of biggest forums in Italy:,IT&sort=members

Tutorial how to make free facebook a😛

Lets go 🙂


(Sorry, I didn´t write in Italian,I hope someone can translate then I will edit article)