Lion King is Won - Day 9

Day 1,049, 18:26 Published in USA USA by Astra Kat G

A new day is dawning in Liaoning.

How could I pass up writing an article on the day we finally won in Lion King? It's taken us six times, but eChina and eUSA and EDEN finally took the last eChinese region from eSerbia. Awesome! To read an excellent article on this occurrence, check out former Secretary of State Myles Robinson's paper here.

Of course, we won't stop there. Resistance Wars have opened in Asian territories held by eSerbia. If you'd like guns and tickets to go fight there, check out this widely-shouted tinyURL:

Not only that, but we've got an election coming up tomorrow, on my birthday. For some information on ATO opportunities abroad, check this article.

As for our domestic eUS election, I haven't really been paying attention, but I remembered Colin was a good guy before, organized and such -- he did run one of our main job hubs for a while there, which is a rather large job by itself, has done some CBO Director work, etc. -- so I'll probably be voting for him. Then again, I'm not sure I can resist voting for a female POTUS, heh. Well, we'll see. Between Colin, Claire, and Cromstar, there are no bad choices (there's also a suspicious lack of alphabetical variety).

Day 5:

1. Donation
A. Normal donation of a foreign currency from the Treasury to the Congressional Budget Office. Large amount of Portuguese currency after we took some land from them.
B. Voted Yes.

2. Buy Constructions: Hospital
A. Another hospital placement for FER.
B. Voted Yes.

Day 6:

1. Donation
A. Money matters.
B. Voted Yes.

2. Buy Constructions: Hospital
A. Heck yeah, more healing in FER.
B. Voted Yes.

Day 7:

1. Issue Money
A. Remember when we had to issue money semi-regularly just to keep up with demand for the currency in the Congressional Budget Office? I do! In any case, USD gets used to oil the cogs that run the government and military and also gets converted to gold on the monetary market, so it's a good thing.
B. Voted Yes.

Day 8:

1. Buy Constructions: Hospital
A. Another hospital placement for FER.
B. Voted Yes.

2. Donation
A. Following the Issue Money proposal passing, the maximum amount of USD allowable was proposed to be donated to the CBO.
B. Voted Yes.

3. Issue Money
A. Looks like we needed even more money, probably due to the Liaoning battle.
B. Voted Yes.

Day 9:

1. New Citizen Message
A. Yeaaaa... No.
B. Voted No.

2. Buy Constructions: Hospital
A. Considering our recent fighting in ePortugal, seems like a reasonable measure.
B. Voted Yes.

3. Donation
A. I hadn't even thought about making a donation this day, but I happened to notice on the front page that the issue money proposal had gone through four hours ago and there wasn't a donation proposal up yet. After checking the 34th Congress Donation Thread for any possible caveats, and seeing none, I proposed a donation of the maximum allowable amount of USD to the CBO, as per standard Congressional procedure. It felt good to do some real Congressional work for a change, hah.
B. Voted Yes.

So what have I been up to? Before today, not too terribly much. My Internet situation is better, but not great, and who wants to work on the weekend? No thank you, I went shopping.

I did do a few things on Day 9, though, besides propose a law, so let's run through them together:

I gave citizenship to former Senator/current Army Aaron S after I saw his shout about not wanting to be Indian anymore, using up the first of my 13 available citizenship approvals. Oddly enough, my post stating so was the first in the related Congressional topic... there clearly hasn't been much activity on the citizenship front this Congressional term or if there has, people haven't been documenting their work thoroughly.

Though I didn't expressly talk about it with Immigration first, a few past heads of Immigration have told me they trust my judgment enough, so yes, I figured it'd be okay. And I knew Aaron S would take any flack for switching his citizenship the Army might throw at him (generally, military personnel are encouraged to keep foreign citizenship for ATO purposes). Given our current state of affairs with eIndia, though, I don't expect he'll get yelled at.

I also did some Immigration archiving work I had been putting off but found time for today. It led to seventeen previously unidentified PTOers being edited into the Potential Troublemakers list and a moment of vindication for myself. I had flagged dandab as a possible threat in the September 15th elections, as he looked suspicious but wasn't overtly Hungarian-looking, just had some markers that were iffy.

I had been feeling like maybe I was being overly paranoid when I flagged dandab, but it turns out that old PTO account Sherman Firefly gave him citizenship on August 25th. Yet another reason why we have to remain vigilant and watch the citizenship module like hawks. Also, note, this archiving work is work any official Immigration worker could've done at any time; I was just double-checking on their work as an unofficial volunteer and found this stuff that needed to be added in -- I say that because I don't want you to think I skipped out on any official duties for this long, heh, I left the eUS government in any official capacity back in July, until now with this Congressional term.

A couple of people came to me asking for citizenship; I directed their requests to Immigration because, again, I said I'd only do the bare minimum in Congress. We'll see how long that statement lasts, though.

Also, just wanted to say, much love for the many, many votes my articles have been getting lately. Thanks!

Vote Tomorrow, eAmerica,
~Katherine "Astra" Gallagher