Liberate the Netherlands!

Day 992, 11:51 Published in Netherlands Belgium by Theneka


Help out the Netherlands

I, Theneka, hereby declare that I fully support the ideas of Shadowukcs concerning the Netherlands. Further more, I suggest that we attack the Netherlands to make sure they are liberated...


Yes, let us for once and for ever liberate the dutch from their idiot accent, their bad music, their bad cheese, and all the crap they are used to drink (I don't even dare to call Amstel or Heineken beer, as it's not worth the name...). So, let us liberate the dutch from all these horrors, join the eBelgian Army to get your orders!!

The Plan

General Trotski has made up the plan:

In case of war, the Belgian Communist Party will reopen their Weapon Commune so that all soldiers can fight with arms!

We will invade the Netherlands via the South, using our border region Flanders as bridgehead. Evry province that we conquer will be emptied, all dutch will be send to a 're-education' camp to learn proper speach and manners. They will also learn the Brabanconne, and French. Once we have located Trinc, he will be send to the Salt Mines, where he will work 16 hours a day. The rest of the time he can be hunted down by the new recruits of the Glorious Army of Great Belgium as part of their training.

When the survivers of the 're-education' camps return, they will be learned to drink beer and to curse like a real Catholic Belgian, not like a protestant heathen they used to be. If they survive the harsh training in the 're-education' camps, that is.

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Liberate the Netherlands, Declare war on them!!

Kind Regards,
