
Day 535, 01:09 Published in Romania Hungary by Tóth TamÃ&

Youre good damn liars.

Especially Skizz.
Shame on all of you.
Cant you win with fair means? We managed to get players by saying we were mostly occupied. It was true.
You are triing to get players with something that has no meaning in this game and its not even true. How stupid do you think our players are. Some go out WRAR but they are only 1-2 like cimbye.

I have tought higher of some people.........

For sebah: If you wanted players not like Gabrielip you shouldnt have written come omg
they want transylvania.

Best of the best:

Sameold79 3 minutes ago

T&Atilde...reported for foul language and offensive content.
Hai sa-i dam report baieti,poate scapam de un inganfat ca asta.