Liaoning is not a Kitty, but a Lion King!

Day 903, 07:04 Published in Serbia North Macedonia by Drashhh_III_Makedonski
Hello dear citizens of eRepublik

You are reading the Macedonian Times. Please VOTE and SUBSCRIBE! Thanks a lot for all those who helped me to get the MM Medal. Thank you again.

Today the long waited attack on Liaoning has begin! The EDEN hyenas attacked this morning the fortress of the Lion King!

CHECK PART 2 > Liaoning is not a Kitty, but a Lion King! PART 2

The Serbian MOD declared a RED ALARM!

That means that every citizen of eSerbian and every one of their allies must fight with the best quality of weapons that they can afford! Fight in Liaoning

But I''ve wanted to mention to EDEN that Liaoning is not a Kitty, but a Lion King! So Phoenix soldiers don't let this to happen again!

Strike back to the attack like a King would to! Fight back the EDEN hyenas!

March now! To VICTORY!


Don't forget to VOTE and SUBSCRIBE!

p.s. Check Ostin's new newspaper MOFA Indonesia Ostin

Thank you.