Letters from a Redback #1 - A War Story

Day 354, 16:40 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Tecchi

Redback Field Hospital
NSW, Indonesia
Day 354 of the New World

My dearest family,

I awoke this morning covered in sweat. Yet another nightmare, but opening my eyes offers no relief. No. Just another nightmare, khaki coloured.

The rolling thunder of artillery provides the ambient sound to the work of a Redback. We work on what seems to be an endless number of casualties each day. The War is a faithful supplier, he is never late - he always delivers on time. This can also be said for War's older brother; Death.

"The freedom fighters are on the advance", my superior tells me over the radio. "We are making steady progress". If only he could see what goes on here, in this quaint Field Hospital. The dance shrapnel does in the belly of a Dropbear, cannot be described in any medical textbook, but can unfortunately only be seen first-hand. Progress indeed...

Dont fear for my wellbeing Mother and Father, we Redbacks are made of stronger stuff. Stronger than the metal that infests the bodies of our soldiers. Fear is not a possibility as we carry out our duties with the upmost care and diligence. The casualties increase with every passing hour, War stops for no rainy day and with Death constantly knocking on the OR* door these duties are becoming more and more difficult to complete.

The choppers have arrived. The whirring of their blades make me cringe as they symbolise more wounded and dead. I must go now, to tend to the casualties War brings us. Give my love to everyone back home - I'll see you all soon when we retake our homeland.

LT Tecchi,
Commander of The AMC Redbacks

*OR - Operating Room

The AMC Redbacks are always in need of help. Message Tecchi for info to sign up or donate.