Lets Put A Sexy Lady in the White House

Day 1,414, 10:20 Published in USA USA by Cleveland Fleman

Hello AMPers,

There as been many eventful things occurring within the party. I've probably said this before, but I will say it again. "It is a great time to be a proud AMP member." With the recent AMP nomination period, Morrigan Alexandros was nominated our candidate for President of the United States.

Yeah she is.

Morrigan Alexandros won the AMP nomination with 40 votes. She beat Alexander_Auctoritas by 36 votes. This can be explained with the simple reasoning that the AMP has a large number of eUS Military soldiers in its membership, and the undeniable fact that Morrigan Alexandros is sexy awesome.

Do what the puppies says, or get whipped by Morrigan Alexandros

Before you go rambling on about the outcomes of this epicly awesome event, I want you to know this. The AMP supports all it's candidates, probably better than any other political party in the eUS. Morrigan Alexandros is dedicated, strong, sexy, and brave. Those qualities are needed in the President of the United States.

I'm telling you to watch out before you get whipped.

Morrigan Alexandros will serve and protect the eUS from all and any enemies. She also promises to make the United States a stronger and better country.

Morrigan Alexandros wrote:

I have been involved in the military side of this game at increasing levels of responsibility. Currently, my objective is to continue Alexander_Auctoritas’ plan of wiping Spain and then move on to Sweden. Combating bots everywhere.

I'll bet you that, if Morrigan Alexandros is elected, she will be a great and historical president. We at the American Military Party believe that new players should be given priority on earning experience and expressing their voice in national politics.

Morrigan Alexandros wrote:

We need more participation. In this cabinet I want to bring in new people and pair them with experienced players. We cannot depend on the same old people to carry on all executive roles in this game. We need new blood and with new blood comes innovation. With innovation comes progress. This is what we need in the eUS.

If you haven't already, it is advised that you read Morrigan Alexandros article and vote for her.

The American Military Party believes that every individual has a right to have a voice and to use it. To encourage courageous AMP members to express their ideas and opinions, the AMP is holding a monthly contest. The AMP Media Contest will be a monthly activity that has contestants write an article to be judged.

The judges for the contest will be AMP Leadership members and AMP members. The judges will select the top five articles, then allow AMP members to vote on the number one article. AMP members will have their chance to vote on which candidate will win the AMP Media Contest and the awesome reward. This contest will be a nice incentive for less expressive players to write great articles and get rewarded for it too.

To read the Media Contest rules, go to the AMP Media Contest Thread.

- #AMP