Lets get the people talking!!!!!

Day 916, 19:45 Published in USA USA by Dan Heylin

There is a big issue in eUSA right now, which is the media. Writers are writing less and less, and people are voting articles less and less. So i have created a guide to try and get the eUS media booming again!

In this guide I will show you how to write cool articles with all features available in Erepublik!

Obviously the first step is to create your own newspaper!

You must be level 8 and have to gold!

Once you meet those requirements you will need to upload and image for your newspaper and then a name for it too!

After you have completed those steps you are ready to write your first article!

You will want to write about big events going on in eAmerica. These can go from the economy, to public affairs and foreign affairs. If you cant really get a good idea to write about like i sometimes do write a guide like I am doing! I find it easy and fun!

Now on to the cool stuff!

You articles will look a lot cooler, neater and be more attention getting if you use titles.

To bold do b (word) /b with [these] around it
and you will get BOLD

If you want italic do i (word) /i with [these again] around it
and you will get ITALIC

If you want to underline do u (word) /u with [these]around it
and you will get UNDERLINE

If you want to enlarge or shrink your text do size😞any number you want)] (word) /size with [these] around it.
and you will get BIGGER or SMALLER text!

Now on to the images!

to place a picture anywhere in your paper do img (link) /img with [these]around it
and you will get an image!

Erepublik automatically changes the image size to 300px wide, so if you want to make your own images in Photoshop use that size.

How do you create links? Well like this!

If you want to create a link do url (link) /url with [these]around it
and you will get A LINK!

WHOA Dan how did you get it to change the name?

Well its pretty simple actually, all you have to do is url😞Link you want)THE NAME /url [with these] around it
So you will get A LINK!

So there you go, as long as you follow these steps and make good articles you will be a media mogul in no time!!!!!


Thank you,
Dan Heylin 😃
If anyone else has any questions please feel free to pm me 😃