Let Your Voice Be Heard

Day 682, 17:04 Published in Ireland Ireland by H.S Thompson

Give Me Hope Johanna

Alright there E-Republikans? Greetin's. I've been here a while, observin', greetin', meetin'. Buildin' stats and wonderin' what drives this machine.

I've talked on a personal level with very few of the main cogs but the most pleasant encounter, I have to say, was with Grainne - I doubt very much she'd approve of bein' likened to a COG, but that she is, and a well-oiled one at that if I may be so pertinent - or is that impertinent? You choose my dear. Regardless, I think E-Ireland as a whole has a sweet spot for our Grainne, whether they like it or not.

Whatever your perspective, it's people like her that make this community so interesting. Personally, I'm hangin' on here, wondering when the real action will kick-off. Part of me wants to bounce, launch in a random direction and maybe try to make e-money, or get involved in some stat-building war. The other acknowledges the cry from an Irish heart and calls me here, where art imitates life. A deeper recess suggests I should abandon ship altogether - one thing is for sure though, this place is what you make of it.

Recent in-fighting, of which much has been spoken, needs no more elaboration; let it be said that I won't give it much reflection here. All I will suggest is that the intelligentsia, the ernest, media-savvy folk with the power to sway a nation must know each other. And not just know each other, respect each other.

There must be a differentiation between Construction and Destruction. It's a rare but splendid light when I encounter real insight, constructive criticism and genuine co-operation; not just within party lines, but throughout forums, newspaper articles and their replies. There are, without doubt, some genuinely bright minds tuned into this Irish frequency; tyrants and team players alike have their place - with an equal part to play and an equal right to say - whatever the hell they like.

But our strength as a collective consciousness will come from effective use of the media, a fine tuning of the Irish frequency and perhaps, the passive will become active, the sheep, shepherds and the tyrants may see the light of day -- okay maybe not, but you get the point.

Please PM or post to develop further ideas.

I'm H.S Thompson.