Let us fight against eReichpublik censorship !

Day 992, 08:14 Published in France France by Roi Soleil
CODENAME BLACKOUT (More informations here)

First, you should now I am not the writer of this article. It was actually published yesterday by Nanotik and deleted some hours later by the admins (around 4PM GMT). The reason ?

You have not respected the 7th eRepublik Citizen Law. 7.2 Public debates are encouraged in the New World, however public debates and/or complaints regarding the eRepublik team's actions toward one citizen or a group of citizens will not be allowed. Public discussion only created to undermine the team's decision will not be permitted.

So what, does eReichpublik “Rising” means the beginning of a new age of censorship on eRepublik ? Admins clearly over-reacted and I cannot approve this kind of totalitarianism. As I don’t care of being given FP, I will re-publish this article with the agreement of Nanotik.

So here we go, enjoy the top 30 of the eRepublik bugs. At least, HTML isn’t required here and inspiration is not what is missing.

TOP 30

30. The headless chicken
Let’s start with the bug which has become a real symbol of eRepublik. This one has been seen by every single player who dared play for more than week. Indeed, while you’re simply surfing on the game, the headless chicken appears without any warning and forces you to get come a few pages before to get a better version.

29. Zoom on avatars.
Since V2, a big amount of old avatars have been resized on profiles. Without knowing the reason, there is a nice zoom of 50 which leads to the avatar being impossible to see. Fortunately, it’s a bug without any incidence except visual.

28. No “V2” avatar”.
Since V2, nobody could change his avatar. This added to the bug nb 29 brings us to an issue. Moreover, new players couldn’t put any avatar and then got the default gray avatar. Nice way to present the game to new players when they learn that they can’t even change. This situation lasted at least 15 days before being corrected.

27. Medium or High region ?
This is a display bug, but a bug anyway. Moreover, it is present since the beginning and still hasn’t been corrected. So, if we check the World Map, we can notice that many regions "Medium" in V1 became "High". Yes, but why would it be described as being Medium when we look at the region profile? This is simply because the World Map display wrong information. Just imagine a new player who isn’t informed about it and decides to start a land company in such a region? Here you are, 20 GOLDS lost because of a vulgar display bug admins begrudge to correct.

26. When customs are interfering with organisations.
Try to create an organisation. Did you succeed? That’s normal, the bug isn’t here. Try again but in another country that the one you’re currently in.
That’s impossible because the list of the regions stays the list of the regions of the country you’re in. This bug leads people to be unable to create an organisation elsewhere than you’re current country.

25. Impossible to create an account.
Yeah... There is a bug which prevents people from registering on the website. After choosing a country and a region, the player still can’t click on Next. The button doesn’t become green. I don’t know if you understand correctly. This bug prevents a player to register on the game... maybe some kind of warning. "If you register, you won’t say we didn’t warn you."

24. Job offers
The job market is a battlefield. But some GM can’t participate because they simply can’t put offers. Their company is useless.

23. Where is my capital ?
What’s the USA capital ? Florida. France ? Auvergne. Nice geography lessons with eRepublik. Don’t tell me that Florida was the last region of the USA or that Auvergne was the first liberated region in France. I would tell you that there are many invaded countries which kept their original capital. Moreover, without reaching the Godwin’s law, we all know in which region the French government was after the WW2’s armistice. eRepublik also gives some History lessons.

22. Wellness at 70 at every new day
...for those who fought the day before. Yes? But no. Some people didn’t get their wellness the following day. For some other, the house and food bonus have been ignored. Nevertheless, for preventing the military module to be obsolete, admins corrected this bug.

21. Military Module II
Still in the military module. A bug sometimes let the player at 20 instead of 40 after the first or second death, where is actually should be the third.

TOP 20

20. Wrong links in INFO.
The INFO tab display a lot of information about, for example, the country rank, current wars or the world map... but for some people, links are just random. By clicking on the World Map, people can for instance see the military statistics of Australia, without knowing why.

19. Ticket or no Ticket
When some people want to report a bug, hoping to make things change, but don’t succeed to send any ticket. It’s not because they don’t know how to proceed, but it’s because the bug interferes.

18. Tutorial: How to teach people to desert eRepublik.
Since recently, Carla is welcoming us on eRepublik, with at her sides, a tutorial to teach young players to play. It’s a really good idea, as always, but its use is bad. Many players complained about not being able to leave the tutorial after a bad handling. It’s impossible for them to continue to play except by trying randomly some links to try to get to a working page of the game. What else to disgust some players to find out more about eRepublik. At least, there is a nice tutorial which clearly explains how to leave the game.

17. Breaking the space-time continuum.
Ordinarily, a day lasts 24 hours. We all agree to that. On eRepublik, it’s supposively 24 hours too. Why “supposively”? Well, it’s purely because of a bug which can lead to extra-hours. Don’t be surprised when you realise you studied for 36 hours-a-day, you’re playing on eRepublik.

16. Super Society Builder
A honest French player benefits from a bug, beyond his will. Each time a friend who registered with his referrer reaches the level 10, he wins two Society Builder Medals. He now owns 10 medals instead of 3. Even if he reported the bug more than once, admins still haven’t replied and the bug is still around.

15. The Super National Goal.
On day 1,019 have a GDP of 0 Gold (100 increase), we’re crossing fingers for OnlyPokerCanJudgeMe (the current French president) to succeed this soooooo difficult goal.

14. Magical Swap
A V1 wonderful legacy or how to ruin the battle efforts because of a stupid bug. At the end of each battle, we had a message which indicated that the region was taken by the enemy and that it was lost. This message lasts for about two or three minutes, not more. Except that sometimes, it never ends, even after many hours. Because of that, the enemy has time to organise and to swap the region with an ally to keep the region at its side.

13. Not my president.
The USA president can’t attack a region? The French president can’t initiate a peace treaty with Hungary? It’s not about bad will but those actions are unavailable in their menu when they are actually supposed to be. Fortunately for them, it’s not a matter of time.

12. Auto-Embargo
A country can’t be at war against itself. A civil war? No. A bug. Because of that, it has an embargo with itself. LOL

11. How to destroy the Harvester Job Market.
When we chose a job, we have to stay in it for three days except under some conditions. (For example, if the company doesn’t have money to pay). Well, if you’re a Harvester, you can change of company whenever you want! In a short matter of time, alone, you can clear the Job Market. What’s best to create a unbalanced job market in enemy country or hire cheap employees in your raw company?

TOP 10

10. Highlander
Parter, a well-known Russian for having a nice credit card, managed to get a wellness of... 1000! With such a wellness, we can easily imagine him in the Duncan MacLeod role-play on battlefields but admins reacted shortly. Parter has been permaban from eRepublik, leaving behind one of the best Russian accounts any many $.

9. Bots plants
Serious business begin. Here is the result when bots and multis creation is well masterized. Denounced by OnlyPoker in his article, a company was recruting lots of bots. In a very short time, numbers exploded. More than 5,000 bots worked consecutively, creating a huge amount of iron. (160,000 units are still available in the company’s stock)

8. Economic Module.
It’s a bug in itself. Admins don’t know what they’re doing. They revise repeatedly the module formulas. Once the salary revised, salaries are ridiculously low, when we actually manage to find job offers for our job (except if we chose harvester as a job). Fortunately, a second migration is planned by admins. Whew, fortunately, the economic module is essential to play.

7. HTML or BBCode ?
When I resume the game, I was surprised to discover that HTML could be used in articles! At least, we can write some really nice articles for our readers. Unfortunately, hackers found a way to steal. The admin reaction was quick. A lot of possibilities offered by the HTML language are then removed. A Spanish article, written by Saik, talks about it here.

6. eRepublik chose your internet explorer.
For the last 10 days, and for an unknown reason, I don’t have any access to the game menus under Firefox (except the Job Market). I reported the issue with a ticket and I’ve been asked to clean the cache and refresh the page, exactly what I tried before getting this answer. I’m now forced to play on Internet Explorer. I’m not the only one in this case, and for some other, eRepublik won’t work with IE or Chrome and would then be forced to use another internet explorer such as FireFox.

5. The invites robber
When you invite a friend on eRepublik with your referrer, he has another player in its list? You’ve been stolen by the invites robber! This player robbed more than 4000 invites to its original sponsor. With more than 300 Society Builder, we can count for more than 1500 GOLDS thanks to his misdeeds.

4. Turkish face
How would you react if you would be unable to play because of your IP when you actually did nothing bad? This happened to many Turkish people at some time. A huge DDOS attack from Turkey on eRepublik has been solved by blocking all Turkish IPs coming from a big ISP. How to prevent a thousand innocent people from playing?


3. Extra Extra Offers.
You might have heard about “Offers” which give GOLDS when filling a questionnaire. Did you notice that it’s not possible anymore with organisations and that rules changed in April 2010? It’s not well known, but some French players used those legal techniques to get thousands of golds thanks to really interesting offers for French ads. Some of them won more than 1500 GOLD. Admins finally decided to react when they saw French soldiers fight like berserkers in huge battle such as Paris or Rhone Alps with GOLDS coming from those offers. What’s comic about it is that it was perfectly legal.

2. Glorious Failure Night.
Fortunately, being ridiculous doesn’t harm. The "Glorious Failure Night", or the famous night when a moderator, very disappointed by V2, gave his logins to some American people. This lead to some players being banned from the game, including Gaius Julius, Alexis Bonte, Dio Brando but also, what’s ridiculous, the admin account itself.

1. Day 991 of the New World
I would like to say that’s it’s the first time ever that we’re facing with hacks at a big scale, but we don’t forget about the press and ads hacks. This time, it’s chaos we’re dealing with. Whether in ads, articles, shouts, ... Presidential accounts are all hacked, MPP from various countries are entirely deactivated, attacks take place everywhere, States accounts (and from rich citizens) are stolen. Remember Day 991. It will be known as a really bad day.

BLACKOUT (More informations here)
I suggest all of you change your avatar to organize the biggest blackout of eRepublik to manifest our dissatisfaction.

Here is the avatar:

Don’t hesitate to comment with this avatar on.