Let's talk about...ECONOMY

Day 3,025, 15:59 Published in Australia Albania by T.A.X.S.I.R.A

Hello Australia

I am writting this article because i have some proposals : making changes in taxes !

1.Work tax

If you remember in first days of February average wage was 65-67 AUD which means we paid 2 AUD for each company we worked as manager...Today we pay as tax only 1.4 AUD because average wage 46.76 AUD.
My proposal is to raise work tax from 3% to 4%
With this % we will pay as tax 1.87 AUD for each company we work...and of course we will more pay a bit more tax from our wages..but these money are going to australian treasury so this isn't that bad

I am proposing this because i made a calculation of last 6 days income. Australian income for these 6 days is 17302.47 AUD which means an average of 2883.75 each day and i know days before daily income was over 3000 AUD

2.Import taxes
Now with game updates everybody can see which products are imported easily and in australia are many imported products...which is really bad for australian producers...we are forced to keep our products in storage for days because we can't compete with producers which has 100% bonuses in their countries...or we are forced to sell them with no profit(weapons mostly)
So i propose:
Food Import Tax from 15 % to 18%
Weapon Import Tax from 10% to 12%
This Low raise tax will not effect or will effect very little in actual product prices

Also i propose lower import tax of
Weapon Raw Material fron 15% to 10%
House Raw Materials from 15% to 10% to help our producers buy their materials cheaper and lower the price of houses
just to inform you i am an immigrant here and i don't have an australian license to trade yet so i am thinking for you not for myself 😃